What is love ? ( Taejinmin) 6

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I didn't edit this chapter as I am lazy😭😭

After their brief talk Jin and jimin left the studio ...more of jimin clinging to Jin , can't help Jin felt jimin is extra clingy today ,but Jin felt worse thinking like that ,they didn't meet since 15 days and it's common for any boyfriends to show affection or is he feeling it because he seen a unseen emotion in Taehyungas eyes ?? Then it's more worse ....

" Jinnni I missed you so much and I am so sorry I couln't keep up the promise that night....it was all messed up and I...." 

Jimins grip tightened  around jins free hand as he couldn't complete sentence.....

" Jimin you know.....I don't expect things ....I can understand that you have work and it was an emergency and I am so happy that you are doing well now.." 

Jin gave a little smile of assurance and  fixed the gaze on the road as he is driving.....

" But you know what....??  .....ahh nevermind I am stupid"

" What is it jimin.....? You can tell me anything "

" It's just I should be happy that you understand my work needs  me more....but why I want you to be sad  that  I couldn't come that night ? Why I am wanting you to be angry at me for not calling or taking care of you for 15 days ?, why I am feeling you should fight with me and tell me that ...... that......"

" I love you jimin....."!!?

" No....tell me that you missed me......"

" I missed you jimin ....and you know I am not that type of boyfriend to yell at you....your career is also important and you loves your work and how can I tell you leave what you love "

" But you know I love you too Jin ,as much as my work right???"

Jimin turned more to face to Jin and see him in his eye as if he can catch something.....his anger, frustration , sadness but nothing he could see......and jimin doesn't know why he want to see them in jins eyes for him......may be it's feeling too artificial now....how can a person not feel anger towards the  loved one..... Because it's impossible for jimin.....

" I know jimini......and Tonight I will cook for you....let's have dinner in the home only"

That little suggestion made jimins heart to go on race , he could smile at himself as he is really whipped for the man right beside him.....

" You know you are world's best boyfriend......ahh. and you told v and you are uni friends we should all gather sometimes ,let's call yoongi annd hosek too ....they will be happy to meet their old friend right??"

" Hmm..... whenever we are all free ,but you don't call anyone for dinner from your workplace though "!!?!

Even he is little bit close to  Mark ,he never invited him also.....for jimin in his  life company workers will stop at company dinners  only...

" May be he is really good person Jin ,you know by heart .....like genuine !!?"

" Ye he is......" 

The acknowledgement from Jin in second made jimin to question in his mind that,  how much they were close ?

" But .   You know I seen many people.....in the starting everyone will be genuine and humble....but once the fame reaches their head they will forget even those words exist " 

" Not...... Taehyung is not that one.... don't compare him with others ......he values people not the.money "

Jimin is little a taken back ,as it suddenly felt ,they two are going to argue about someone else !! When they should be talking about their life .....

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