Fallen Angel 2(Taejin)

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Tae ,jimin and Jungkook settled themselves on couch and seokjin stand near the table ,with innocent eyes looking for someone to talk....seokjin never been in silent like this,he and hosek always will have something to talk...he already started missing his brother,but he knows there might be something important work have to be done that's why the almighty decided to this to happen...so he have to be strong.....

" So Tae you are telling you don't know this guy, he just followed you to here...and you want to involve us in this mess too..." Jk really not amused , because he have to go back to sleep it's fucking 11 clk in the night ,

" Jungkookahh if you asked me one more time the same question ,I will make you disappear from here right now" Tae said more of in serious tone...he already have fucked up life and now this new guy but strange enough he doesn't wanted to abandon this guy ....but why??

" Okay you two calm down...let me deal this " jimin made himself near to seokjin and smiled at him warmly....

" Hai... really who are you???"

" Hai....I am seokjin an angel "......Tae just want to disappear 

" Oh...hai I am park jimin  I am an angel also"......

'Wow'....that's how jungkook reacted with little claps....he never thought jimin can be this funny ...

" Oh....I never seen you in our heaven,...is you also a fallen angel "?? Seokjin asked with really hopeful eyes as if he got some company on this strange earth....

" He is really angel , please take him with you ,we dont mind " jungkook answered with shaking his head

" Ya... Jungkookahh" !!!

Taehyung got up suddenly and made everyone to look at him....

" You two for the god sake can shut your mouths now ....I am already tired enough and this guy is keep on telling strange things....I don't know what the fuck should I do ....fuck you two"

" Why are you yelling at us.....who told you to bring the  stranger to home ....fuck yourself" jungkook not having bit ,,why he have to get yelled...

" Why you two curse this much.....it's bad thing....you shouldn't ,you guys are freinds right.....you shouldn't fight either" seokjin told with low voice.... because he never seen someone fighting this much....even his eyes filled up without knowing ,he wants meet hosek 

" Oh my...oh my.....seokjin please don't feel bad about these two....they are like children....they are not fighting ,this the normal way they talk.....you are too sensitive ....come here" jimin huged Jin and ran his hands over back and make him less tense....

" Ty....I think you were angel before for sure.....if I born again on Earth as human I pray to almighty ,that me to become your freind in my next life"

Jimin doesn't know how to react it....he was enjoying untill Jin Calling him an angel but birth again.... almighty things are making him to cut the hug and moved to jungkook side with getting loud laugh from that brat...

" Okay.....listen seokjin.. angel or whatever you are....I am jungkook ..listen I am not man with patience ,so tell me  ..is your parents kicked you out of the house, don't you have any place to stay or do you want something to eat or some Money??? Be quick it's time for me to go bed.....I don't sacrifice my sleeping time to any one"

" I am sorry ,if I am problem for you humans ,but whatever I am telling it's truth....I am fallen angel ,it happens only if there is some purpose....I am sure it concerned with Taehyung, so please help me out "

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