I'm not him ( yoonjintae) 6

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Tae's  pov::

I don't know , what's a the matter....but jimin sounded  so nervous..that made me nervous too.... because he knew I took hyung with me to confess about my feelings.....so if it's not something so important he would never disturbed us....I  hope everything is fine....

As soon as we reached the home....I seen so many shoes in front of the door....but we were not expecting any visitors as of I know...

 we walked inside , seeing hyung's parents made me cautious,  it's the first time I am seeing them and ofcourse i want to keep best first impression but the three guys standing beside seems hyung's friends or may be cousins ,they seem so nervous...

But what startled me is my parents looked so sad...? And jimin and jungkook came beside me and held my hands ...as if they want to support me ? I don't know .....it's all making me anxious....when I looked at hyung...he looked broken? Worried? I couldn't read him...

Before I even ask jimin what's wrong .....hyung dad's voice scared me....

" What the hell is this all Namjoon??!" .

I can't understand why his dad is so rude to hyung ...but. .

" I am sorry ....sorry dad......my intention was never to hurt anyone...it's actually" 

" Just shut up....." 

Wait..... Namjoon hyung....?? Is the one standing beside me right....then why that tall guy is calling hyung's dad as his dad?? What's going on??.

" Oh god....how could you even think this?? Do you seriously think it's all okay to decieve someone?? that's how I raised you??" 

" No...I am sorry....but..I didn't have any choice " 

" I am ashamed of myself to call you as my son....you doesn't deserve the Kim's blood in you....you are such disrespect to our family Namjoon" 

" Sorry dad....sorry" 

Kim Namjoon....is that guy??

Then who hyung is ??? 

" Namjoon....how could you even think of sending someone else in your place ?? Son how could we show our face to anyone ?? " 

Hyung's mother held that guys arm and started shaking him....

I am feeling my whole world is shaking  here......so .....hyung is not Namjoon.....hyung is not the hyung.....I ....he decieved us...?? He lied to me ??? 

Oh god.....!!! Why???

" And you seokjin....!!!" 

Mr.kim pointed finger at hyung.....

So ...so his name is seokjin....!!! 


Oh I didn't even know his real name then?? 

I just want  it all to be dream.....please....let it be my bad dream....and someone wake me up... please... please.....

" I thought you are the one who have sense among you three, but no..... you didn't even think about anyone before doing this?? Is this all fun for you guys??? Did you enjoyed here ??  Oh why not you enjoy doing trips right?? " 

Oh!!! So it's fun to him?? 

Just fun......

" No...uncle...it's " 

" Don't call me uncle anymore ,you lost  all the rights today and I don't want to see your face from now on..." 

"Dad please..... don't talk to seokjin hyung like that....if you wanna blame anyone...then blame yourself....if I took this decision it's because of you.... because you are so caught up in deciding everything in my life , without asking what I actually want.....

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