Fallen Angel 1(Taejin )

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I will update "It's you" part 2 may be soon ,untill enjoy this:::::



It's so windy suddenly, Taehyung didn't expect it when it started snowing out of the blue....he enjoys the Snow always but not tonight....it was really bad day ,how could all the bad things can happen in a day....he got low scores in the exam, he get into fight in working place endup kicked out of his part time job, the worst is ,even his house owner throw his bags outside, because he couldn't pay the rent since three months,,,now he is standing in the bus stand with his bags, thank God he is not sleeping on the road in this windy season....he have best freinds for life, jimin and jk told he can share room with them...so he is waiting for his bus....oh but Tae doesn't believe in God's....hmm yet he believes angels do exist somewhere... May be right??

But Taehyung is not getting,,, suddenly something weird is happening around him....but he is not getting what it is??....may be he became too sensitive out be in snow...

" Wait why I am feeling like someone is following me??" He is too scared too move his body.,what if any serial killer or psychopath is following him....he have so much to see in his life....no way he wants to die on the road like that....

His eyes moved in all the directions with possible covering all angles,,,,but on his right side at somewhere 57degree there is something too white is present.....oh god what if it is ghost??.....nooo ghost and all is bullshit ...that's what Jk tells but he is too muscular he can fight with ghost too ,not Tae ,not now....

Taehyung thought it's better to walk ,there is no clue even bus will come or not.... somewhat he is scared to death now...and it's really bad day....but he is feeling even that white thing also Started moving,,no it's all Imaginary,,,Namjoon Hyung told he felt like this but it was just illusion ......but he is no more in the state to believe on his hyung even that person IQ is 148.... because ghost doesn't care about IQs right??.....

" But why it's happening to me??".....as he started moving fast, the white thing moved more faster than him....oh fuck he even felt the touch.....that's it Taehyung started running....he ran up to jimins house road....he couldn't even breath anymore....but suddenly the white thing came and stand in front of him....wait it's not thing ... fucking it's a MAN.....but Tae first instinct made his eyes to look for that Man's foot..... because jiminahh once told ghost will not have legs , at least not straight legs.....but this Man legs are beautiful ....I mean even it's not necessary Tae thought the Man really got his pedicure done in good place.....

Then his nerves comes to calm,he look at the person in front of him......that's it,Tae felt he is seeing an angel..... really he is too handsome to be true ....he can't even explain how beautiful this person, because there is no thing on this Earth he can compare his beauty to.....may be his day is not going to end with only bad things.....


"Hmm.....who are you??....are you following me??" The person is really looking Cute

" Oh me....I am an angel from above....and yes I am following you"....

Wait .....wait.....( Let's insert Tae's laugh in windshield manner)

" Ha....ha....Ty you made me laugh today....you are really handsome, but trust me I am not in mood to joke ,what's your name???"

" Seokjin...." He just smiled,, smile is really warm , genuine but what Tae will do with that...

" Okay ,seokjin ,why are you following me??.....you shouldn't follow strangers you know....??"

" Oh....I don't know even why I am following you....but when I fall from heaven you are the first one I seen ,so may be it's something from you I will get to know why I fell from heaven"

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