I'm not him ( yoonjintae) 4

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Taehyung pov:: 

It was still  4 clk in the morning, when Namjoon hyung knocked on my door....I couldn't even open my eyes properly, but I don't know how I managed to make it into car , now because of the constant disturbance from the broken road I am getting swing to left and right, my head lightly hit the window  making me wake up to see  , jimin is asleep beside me and jungkook is sitting beside Namjoon hyung who is driving ....

They both are enjoying the drive with lot of Sharing their past hiking stories....I still can't understand why we have to  go up till reach the top of hill  to come down at the last , I am not very morning person....,I really wanted to say no for it...but after seeing hyung is so excited for this I couldn't make myself say No for him....

" Stop eye fucking him" jimin whispered in my ears ,made me bite my lips...oh god I feel like a high student caught by watching his crush 

" I am not...." Ofcourse I have to defend myself

"But  Seriously ,,,how can you say yes for this mini trip.....there is nothing that  you enjoy , it's all about working out our muscles which we both hate....look at jungkookie he is so excited ..ahh he and Namjoon hyung is really such a match "  

A match?? Namjoon hyung and jungkook?? Even though it's just jimin telling ,, it's because they enjoy something together ....but it's still doesn't taste good to give smile ..

" I can also be good match to him" my words came out as little whisper, I hope jimin didn't  hear it...





It's almost time of sun rise ....we reached almost ,but still there are so many steps and my breathing is so fast ,I feel I can't breath anymore.., and it seems everything going black often ,mad me stop and catch my breath ....I can see jimin is already hoped on jungkook , complaining that his legs gave up....and Namjoon hung is taking selfi at every steps ...and enjoying the view.....he looks so handsome early in the morning ,his bare face ,messed hair , and his stupid jacket everything .... everything is so beautiful .....

" Taehyung....." Namjoon hyung voice made me look away 

" Ye...." He is coming towards me ,his every step towards me making my heart beat fast....stupid heart stop dancing 

" Are you tired ??" His concerned look ,how come he can look so godly ?

" Ye....." 

" Let me give you piggyback " 

What???? WHAT?????? Piggyback.....mean me hoping on his back.... circling my arms around his neck....laying my head over this world wide shoulders ???  

Before he think you are stupid ,answer him....my mind screamed at me

" No....no it's fine hyung.....I can.....I can manage" I hope he will insist 

" It's okay...my back is really strong,you can hop on....and take this chocolate,I think you need glucose" 

Hyung gave me a chocolate and kneeled down infront of me showing his back for me to hop on... making me shy 

So that's how we finally reached the top , exactly at the time of sun rise .....

it's so beautiful here ,so peaceful ...and everything seemed stopped to me seeing hyung laughing loud pointing at something.....

I am feeling  so happy just looking at him laughing .....is this how you feel when you are in.....in love ?? In love with someone ....

I got distracted by jungkook Calling my name , and we took a group pic , and jimin forced me to take a pic with hyung..... seems he didn't mind it, so it's good .... everything felt so good ....

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