Kim +Kim = kimchi (Taejin)

979 37 4

"Jin .....Jin......jinnnnnnnnn.  ....."

" what happened, is our home on fire ,are you safe...."

" Why did you do that to me???"

Doing what??? Wait it's 2 clk in midnight, our home seems safe, even Taehyung too.....wait ,,, don't tell's again because of his pregnancy harmones......I am feel anger against my ability to make him pregnant now ....

" Baby.... .what did I do??? " 

What the fuck I did ?? That's how my mind screaming but I can't phrase it like that.....once I used that word ,Tae literally put his hands on his 6 months baby bump, so our daughter shouldn't listen to it ....of course I should learn not curse's good thing but....

" Why did you cheat on me..?? Is it because I become fat?? Is it because me and  our daughter eat a lot....?? How come you cheat with your assistance???"

Here we go again.....why I will cheat on him.....when he and our daughter are the world to me.....I can't deal with this harmonal imbalance effect anymore.....but yoongi told it's the time for testing our love for our partner and I want to pass it just like yoongi.....I can't understand how jimin and yoongi expecting their second child??

"See are thinking how to break the news right??"

" No...Tae baby ,there is nothing like that.....I am all yours, just like you are mine.....what made you think like that my love"

" I seen everything, how that girl was there on your lap....I know you are bi...."

Tae started crying,,, seriously who told him all these lies.....yes I am just gay for him, but he is all what I want....

" I am swear baby I never cheat on you"....

" Then why in my dream you were feeding that girl my favorite ice cream"..... it's in his DREAMS.....oh's 2 in the midnight, yoongi used to tell these type of stories ..I used to enjoy it a lot ,now I am getting how much cruel I was to yoongi.....karma gets you....yes...

I have been supporting and understanding husband, i try to do all the things I can when he is carrying our precious within him...

 I even took trip of whole Seoul to get his minto chocolate ice cream once and that one day he got odd craving of those rare yellow flowers I don't remember name of it , it was early morning I got up to bring those flowers for him to pluck all the petals and arrange it on our dinning table and took photos to post on Instagram......his cravings for suger candy made me bring that machine to home..I even agreed for renovation of our home which literally done just some 6 Months back....

But his dreams the midnight......not okay...not at all.....

" Tae baby it's just dream....dreams won't come true.... please go back to sleep now..."

" So you are telling me to shut the fuck up and just  sleep right??"

" You just cursed our daughter won't listen to us???"

" pabo, it's night she is sleeping....she won't listen"...... 

Waaa My baby is so intelligent.....!!??

" are so smart baby.....and now don't think too much, I tied myself to you for eternity, so we have to bare each other for infinity"

He smiled finally,....I tapped my shoulder in my mind.....yoongi's tips really works a lot, I love my Tae ,but it's my time I have to be extravagant at my love......and I am becoming too good in my vocabulary after reading those cheesy romantic books ....

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