suicide?? [TAEJIN] 1

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It's not what you all thinking, so to know what exactly  is  going  to happen you should read the story, so TAEJIN going to meet in the suicidal point ,lets get it...

Before that....I want to tell, life is full of surprises and there will be some disappointments's just once you get to live ,so live it fully, take it however it for yourself, and trust me there will be lot of people loves you ,wants you, ....let's be happy and I love you 💜



''i am becoming problem to others just by alive, so its better ending this misery right, and suicide going to be the solution to it' Taehyung thought as he stand near the tip of the hill, its suicidal point ,if you jump from here , you won't get how many rocks are going to hit your body ,how much blood your going to loose ,may be you will die due to sever head injury...

when Taehyung searched in the internet the near by suicidal point to his apartment its showed this address, while coming here just to kill time he searched about suicide , first thing is,,suicide  its intentional killing of self , how cruel .....1 person is dies in every 40 sec, the major reason is depression,,that's what he is going through,even though he know its permanent solution for temporary problems,,,,,

It looks really scary, he have acrophobia,, he can't even see how much its deep ...Jimin, his roommate/bestee always used to hold his hand when ever they have to be in any places more than 2 floors high,,,jimin will cry the most when he found his TAE is dead,,,yes,,,but he will forget as time goes right....??

okay , Tae already memorised his beautiful moments with family , with his jimin. ,with his ex boyfriend ...he is the reason Tae is here though, ....thats it...he will count 1 .2.3 and jump everything will be over...




''Are you here for suicide '' an  angelic voice came from behind,when he turned he seen the most handsome person ever exist, he thanks the god immediately , before he end his life he  seen this handsome guy...oh he doesn't want to listen any life philosophies , when nobody can understand what he is going through why people come to give free advices...

''Hai.. its true ,,but i don't need your advice so i think you can leave '' Tae wants to die fast already 

''No... i am here for the same reason though''

wait ,, is this handsome guy is also for suicide , Tae is got so confused that what's even the reason for this handsome to die 

''i am kim''

''I am kim Taehyung...nice to meet you here''

''So we are from same we finally met here,,so we had fate together then''

seokjin loves to make joke ,and make people laugh, he found its good to see his people laugh ... 

''you really joke lot i guess...but why?? ...whats even the reason for you to ... ???''

''To die??....i just feel i am failure ...i mean all ever want to do was to make my mother proud....,but i couldn't ,,,i want to become a singer ,but my dad want me to become successful  business man,and i couldn't give my best there ,because i never wanted to be that...and me being coward kept all my love in my heart for my best friend,,, i wanted to confess to him once i become something he is also proud of,,,but he already found someone and he is happy with that i just feel  alone now.., big failure.... i can never make my people proud of me... my dad said i am i feel what ever i endure until now  is no use ,,i am tired its best to put full stop for all of it....right???

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