You have me ( Taejinkook) 1

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Still 4 part shot stories are not completed ,yet I am here posting my new shot story.....I will complete them surely....slowly😉😉




" Tae ,I packed everything.....all your necessity things are in this bag....."

Jin brought Tae's bag and kept it over the bed....and put some of the home made snacks too ,what if Taehyung misses Korean food while he is on Tour....

" Hmm.....Ty...."

Taehyung kept on putting his perfumes , face creams to the side bag without glancing Jin.....

" Hmm.......Tae ,,it's .....I......ahh don't forget to call me atleast once a day okay.....and if possible do face time....please...."

" I can't ,I will be busy....."

Jin just pouted...and made some whinning Tae used to take of that pout by kissing it....but today ,may be Tae didn't seen Jin pouting....

" I will be bored and worried about you.....atleast you can reply for my  good morning and good night messages.....just one purple heart is enough"

" Where is my black jacket....??"

" Ye??.......ahh that one.,I kept it for me....I know I will miss you so....."

" Jin.....if you have something in your mind you can ask me......I will leave in 10 min"

Jin doesn't like the wayTae behaving from past 6 months....but he know....may be....he is tired ,,it's all new to him...After his hard work as trainee , Taehyung chose  by  big leading  company , he sacrificed more to be in this position's been a year everything changed, people started liking him.....his popularity is in peek now..., So he is responsible idol....have to deal with busy hectic schedule.....Jin understands him......

So he is okay....if he can't see him for months,,,okay if he can talk with him for 5 min in day.....they are friends since 7 yrs,,and boyfriends since 5 they lived long together to understand what's going on in other mind...

But now how much Jin wish ,,he doesn't have ability to read Tae's mind....  So Jin is anxious about what he is going to ask ,,what if it is true...?? He can't take he just pushed the things from months now.....

Jin made himself ready to ask this question from a week....he have to ask.... because he know.... Taehyung is not just leaving today for months....but forever......just he is denying will be okay this way.....but......

" Tae......I .....seen....what media.. is publishing.....I mean they just do these things to get ratings....but why are you not clearing things with them...???"

" They talk lot about me....what are you exactly referring??"

When did his Taehyung become so cold to him?? Why he didn't notice it?? No....why he let it grow like this....??? 

" That.... thing about your ......your dating and Hosekshii..... I mean.....they....."

" What if I tell it's true???"



Jin just don't know how to react to it......I mean he prepared for it....he thought he will act cool once Taehyung tells him he is leaving him.....he is in love with other..,,he cried in bathroom since a month already ,so that he should not creat drama infront of him.....Jin never been selfish ,,,he doesn't want to , specially when it comes to Tae,,,,if Taehyung is in love with other he have to let him go..... happily.....but what about those memories of 5 yrs they spend ,they dreamed, the things they planned.....Jin can't do this alone.....

Jin loves Taehyung with all he it too wrong if he become selfish for once and ask him to stay back....ask him to give him second chance....???

" Tae...... don't joke like"

" Jin hyung....we both know I am serious,,,and I know you got it I want us to end whatever we have now.....and please let me go....."

Why it's so easy for Taehyung??? When Jin is dying inside.....

" Tae......I will do my best.....please give me other chance ....I know I don't have any stand infront of Hosekshii.....but it I'll try my best Tae,I won't let you regret it.....please..."

Jin doesn't want to cry.....he doesn't want Taehyung to think he is weak.....yet he can't control those tears rolling on his cheeks.....

Jin knows he is no where near to of the famous idol ,known at international level...the one who helped Tae in every grow to this level....

Where as Jin doesn't even have any idea about this entertainment industry,he is fine with his small bakery , but he earns well , he cleared all the debts of his, Taehyungs and his brother jimins he can live quite happily with some calculations how to spend money....

" Jin please..... don't make me a bad guy here...we know....if you want too, , you can't give me what and all I want.....hyung I am fed up with the poverty I seen in my life....I want to live just not happily ,,I want to live carefree....I can't live my whole life calculating ,if I can get everything from Hosek hyung ,why I shouldn't.....I am sorry we are ending this will find someone who wants to live the way you want.....just let me"'s true Jin could never buy a Guccey jacket on his birthdays, he can't offer to take him on luxury dates, he can't do anything to make him success in this industry.,he can't support and stand with him in front of those medias ,....he can't do anything.....only he can do is love Taehyung unconditionally, stay by his side in all up and downs....but he didn't know When Taehyung started to want more form Jin ,which he clearly can't give him.....

" But Tae.....what should I do..?? I know only thing is love's just...."

" You will be okay.....and one more thing.....please don't use any of our photos together on any of your social medias....and I don't want  any energy is already drained off because of the schedule please...."

So that's all he is worried of now.......

.so he is okay....

So Jin should be okay too

At least he should pretend to be okay......


" Hmm......can we be friends atleast .....I mean just calls or texts....."

" Sorry .....Hosek hyung may not like it...."



" Ahh.......okay.......please be  happy, don't stress yourself so are doing good already....".

" Ty....I guess for making it easier....."

That's how..... Taehyung left him ,,,

It's been 4 months Jin is still there.....he couldn't move a bit.....his life is stuck the very moment Taehyung left much ever Jin want to lift himself, he is failing miserably......

Because Taehyung was never in jins mind..... Taehyung is living well in his if  the place is so warm,,,

 he is not giving any signs to leave from that place.........


The story I started to write months back, then I lost interest in it and deleted I want to write it again so I am making it as one shot story......

How is it????...


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