You have me ( Taejinkook) 2

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Jin is living well, alone ,miserably , heartbreakingly .....some may feel it's so dramatic ,but if you ask Jin how are you ,he doesn't know the answer....once jimin left for New York for further studies on his pressure ,,he felt he is going to live like this for the whole life time, so it's better to be adjust with that.....

Jins bakery now extended into mini restaurant ,,he starts his work from 4 clk early in the morning to prepare foods and clean whole restaurant ,,,he works upto 12 clk in the barely he will get 3 to 4 hrs to that time ,he make sure to call jimin and Jungkook ( best friend) ,and calculate his daily income about how to spend it carefully....means,, about  his new loan that he took for restaurant extension , and jimins education bills....his daily bills....there are many thing to take care's boring ,tired some , make you feel so tough ....may be that's why Taehyung thought Jin can never be match for him......

The day Taehyung left jin, Hosek came to pick him up....the luxury shining car in front of his old cracked building hitting the difference on his face....the car he seen in dramas ,when they show a main cast , chabeol son  ....ahh Jin can never touch those car in his dream to,,, when he seen Taehyung sitting in those comfortable seat with head resting well ,,,he felt Taehyung belongs there perfectly.....the place he have to be.,...

He didn't stop watching Taehyungas performances, he never stopped buying his albums , he never missed his vlive, he collected all his brand merch how much ever he can afford.....the only way he can feel Taehyung in his life.....

Weekends are really bothersome for his workers won't come for work he have to close the restaurant.....he doesn't have anything to do on those days.....he is  not in to those club things, or socializing ,,,or may be he can't just waste money there, so he  cleans his room which is right on the restaurant ,not the big one ,just comfortable ? , He cleans the whole restaurant even though it's clean.....and he will take walk ,and may be window shopping, , reading this cheesy romantic books,sometimes about life by most experienced authors all recommended by jimin

 in public library ,just it doesn't matter ......

But today Jungkook called ,and told he is going to visit Jin his work is finished he is coming to Korea..... jungkook is film director still assistant director ,but he is doing pretty the whole movie was planned in abroad ,,,he couldn't visit Jin when he get to know about breakup......

Jin is never too ambitious person like the people around him ,,,he never dreamed of big , luxury things like Tae, whenever Tae used to tell his dream is world domination...jin is used to can he think of these things ?? Why so complex things?? ,,,

His brother jimin wants to be lawyer ,,,a very big sucesfull  lawyer.....

His best friend Jungkook , always showed his interest in he is assistant film director ,and working with great cast....soon he will direct movie ,will definitely win lot of awards....

But all Jin wished ,dreamed ,,is having happy life without any debts , have 3 meals a day without worry ,,,may be complete his school that he left because he couldn't afford and to see his brother get graduation degree and be successful,,his best friend to do what he likes and take care of his mom well ,,,his boyfriend ( not now) to have everything he desired of .....

Just simple ,happy life.....ahh How much Tae felt him of boring ....



." Jin hyung!!!¡"

" kookie grown up so well " it's just been 8 months they seen each other  though

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