I'm not him (yoonjintae) 2

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Seokjin had never been this nervous in his life.....now he have to be, he is lying to whole family , coming in place of other person and pretending he is the son of millionaire is really not simple.....Jin took long breath and counted 1 to 10,, after relaxing himself ,he opened the car door and suddenly got greeted  by a cute puppy .....

" Oh you look like my  jjangu " was the first impression he got on the puppy which is already playing in his arms...

" You are so cute ,what's your name??" Jin asked the puppy to get lick from him, showing he already liked Jin.. .  

" Kim yeontan ......it's his name " an older man in his simple black suite  who is looking young for his age, surprised Jin ,may be Taehyung's father Jin thought

" Hello  i am  Kim seok....kim.....Kim Namjoon....." 

" It's nice to see you my boy.....I seen you last when you were 4 yrs ,,I am Kim Chan min , Taehyung's father....your dads childhood friend ..." 

older man leaned for hug, when Jin was about give his 90 degree bow....he is too friendly seokjin liked him already.....

" You are so handsome ,my bad cameras can't capture your godly beauty"  an elegant voice came from behind Mr.kim, a  women who dressed in traditional way , ofcourse will be Mrs.Kim.....must say she is really beautiful .....

" Hello to you Mrs. Kim....." 

" Oh common honey you can call us mama and papa....." 

This kim's family is too nice and so freindly....seokjin can't help but love them already ....may be a week stay here won't be that bad.....but the thought of staying in others name made him too uncomfortable....and felt bad that he is going to decieve  this family ,but it's going to be helpful for that guy right...seokjin is saving Taehyung form marriage which doesn't have future.....

" Oh thank you ......but can I call you Aunt and uncle it will be comfortable for me...." Seokjin thought he shouldn't  be involve as much as he can.....

" However you want my boy.....and it seems our tana liked you already....see he is so comfortable in your arms...." Mr.kim slightly gave slap  over seokjin's arm....made Jin to think how can they be this much social.....he can't help think about Taehyung, 

is he also this much social...?? But the guy no where to be seen.....

With the little talk about the journey, they took him inside their home......it's not extravagant but still big one...it have nice interior and lot of paintings, a traditional furnitures atleast of 40 yrs old ones....living area is rich with materials yet have simplicity....over all seokjin liked their house.....

He took a sip of strawberry juice....as they told the strawberries are from their own farm...it's really delicious seokjin can't help but completed his glass in one go..... making Mrs.kim to laugh at seokjin's adorableness....

" Sorry....I am really foody ,,I really liked it...." Seokjin licked the cream that left on edge of his mouth.....

" Oh no honey ...I like when the younger ones enjoys the food without thinking of gaining weight.....my Taehyungie also foody...you guys are made for each other ..." 

Mrs. Kims words made seokjin to choke  ....but everyone's attention went over the two person who came down from the stairs ,who literally saved  him from the embarrassment

Seokjin silently thanked them....

" Oh jimini.... jungkookie come here meet Namjoon" 

Seokjin got alert with Namjoon's name .... as he already forgot his name ....

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