What is love ? ( Taejinmin) 3

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After 5 yrs:::

Seokjin  leaned back in his chair and closed the eyes with resting his crossed legs over the table, he know owning big company of maintain  5 seven star hotel and restaurants is not at all easy, that to when they are planning for new restaurant in Japan.....

The week went with all those meetings to settle the deal, and the amount of pressure in the work drained his entire energy,, he just want to drink something warmer and curled up on his bed .....but he can't, as he still have to attend Chinese clients , have to visit his one of the restaurant as there is some workers protest is going on......

" Jin....." 

A sudden voice made him to come out of his little snap.....

" Oh yoongi....how was feild visit??"

Yoongi took a seat , and placed one cola infront if Jin and opened his own and took a sip of it....

" Well the place is really good for restaurant as it's comes in middle of city....but the cost is somewhat high.....but I vote for us to go for that place..."

" Okay...then if you say so...I will vote for it,let's hear Hosek and we will decide about it"

The company is build by the three of their blood, sweat, tears .....they always make sure to listen each other's opinions , decisions, and advices that' s how they are standing strong in the top position in this competitive World with in 4 yrs of starting the company....

" Jinnnnnnnnnnnnn" !!!

He don't even get surprise with loud cheer ful voice calling his name..... because in this draining out work environment only the cheerful sunshine can be  their Hosek.....

" Jinn jinnnn jinnnnn"

" Oh god when you will learn that you don't have to sing his name to call him" yoongi shoked his head as if he doesn't like it....

" Jinnni....I want to wish you badly......"

" Wish me ?? For what??" 

" Oh god it's your birthday jinniiii...." 

Oh December 4 th right it's his birthday ,,,means someone elses  birthday too ,, December 30th......Jin named them as winter babies....and Taehyung used to laugh for it....and he used to call Jin as winter bear.....

" Happy ...."

Hosek just closed yoongis mouth tightly so that he can't wish him.....

" What are you doing Hosekahh!!!" 

With all the struggle yoongi slipped out if the grip and gave murderous look to Hosek....

" What the hell was that!!??"

" Sorry....I want to wish Jin too....but there is strict order that no body will wish  Jin prior to him...."

Hosek just shrugged his shoulders....and it's happening every year....mean from the last 3 yrs.....

" He is rediculous ....nonsense "...... Yoongi just looked at Jin with disapproval look, for that Jin just gave small smile not to piss yoongi more

" Hey don't call my cousin like that" Hosek is too defensive against his cousin 

" I am calling him non sense because he is your cousin "

Before they get into fight......jins chamber door opened to see , man standing with cake in his hand with bright full smile and sleepy red eyes.....

" Jin......I am here...." 

" Jimini......"

Park jimin.....jins boyfriend, he is fashion designer and there is no one exist in the entertainment world who doesn't know his name..... 

perfectionist, straight forward, highly bossy, sexy, to the world but soft ,little baby ,smiling mochi ,an angel exclusively for Jin......

Jimin ran and placed the cake on the table and gave tight hug  followed by long kiss on jins lips .....getting groan from yoongi,,uwwws from Hosek.......

" Happy birthday baby...."  Anybody can tell how much jimin is overwhelmed right now.....

" Thank you.....you are sweetest.....but literally your eyes are so sleepy and red ....you would have rested first before meeting me...."

Jimin gave pout and took the cake in his hand...

" How come !! I  am already late....I am so sorry I couldn't come at midnight.....as you know I am busy with coming fashion festa ....so as soon as I finished my work ,, I jumped here,,,so let's cut the cake...hmm"

" Should I call our executives chiefs too"  Hosek asked to jimin

" Why???  Hosek hyung I always tells you to keep a boundary from workers.....they are not family....we four are more enough"

Many call him as rude, or bossy  for this attitude, but jimin never met anyone in his work place who just don't work for money, he faced many things to be in his current position,  he got betrayed by his own team many times....so he clearly makes boundary with people......and more of jimin never gave f*ck what people think.....

" Okay ......"

Jin blew off the candles and made wish as jimin told him to,and cut the cake .....they feed each other ....and cake is so delicious Hosek took one more piece .....

" Jimin baby now you should go back and take rest,....I can't see you like this " 

Jin  caressed jimins hair and tucked some  behind the ear ,,that made jimin to go for other kiss...while yoongi and hosek took leave with yelling ( mostly yoongi)  at the free PDA....

" Baby......you look stressed ??"

" Little bit..... working  pressure so don't worry" Jin gave his best smile to jimin who is straddled on his laps already....

" I am so sorry I couldn't come at 12 " 

" Come on jimini....you know I don't mind those things'

" But I mind though.....and remember it won't give you any excuse for my birthday wishes though" 

" I know you are sucker for these things...."

Jimin brushed his lips on jins smoothly, more of teasingly....and his tongue likes to play around jins lips .....making Jin to giggle at his tease.....

" Are you ready for tonight Jin??"  Jimin placed little kisses in between  over jins cheeks , with little bite over  jins red ear lobe....

" You are tired ,you need rest jimin" Jin gave a peck and  leaned his head back to his chair.....

" You don't want to??". Jimins eyes started searching for the reason of little rejection in jins eyes....but he can't find anything....

" Babe .....it doesn't  have to be always about me in our relationship...." The reason made jimin eyes to go crescent as bright smile formed on his lips.....

" It's your birthday  my idiot.,,....so this day is all about you....and I prepared something special for you.....so 10 pm in your apartment....."

Jimin made sure maintain his sexy voice for the last words......

Jimin likes to seduce his boyfriend to take control in their intimate moments ....no actually he loves  it ..but the thing is his boyfriend is so handsome, so caring ,so gentle,so soft  yet so manly, it never fails to seduce him first to go on his knees ......



Finally I wrote something  for jinmin ship in my one shots yeeeeee!!!!!😚😚😚


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