Tsundere yoongichi(SIN)

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Yoongi's pov:

Finally...... finally I asked him for fishing.It's not like he will deny it, but its me being coward ?? Shy?? Whatever the bullshit it is. I asked him in an interview so that it look normal ,just like normal conversation ....but whome I am kidding our golden maknae never forget to remember all of us that he is going to be there in all the way where ever it is ocean or Himalayan.....

He is that first kola to cling to seokjin hyung,very difficult to detach  him from hyung ., because he is hyung's favorite member ,jungkook told he even wants to join us....no way way I am going to allow it....it's just mine and seokjin hyung's thing.....I am bit selfish here.Because I never go to working out area ,where jk will be all over seokjin hyung. something  like it's their area....

so he should understand it.....

I told him that he doesn't know fishing....but he told he even will cook sashimi....I wanted to laugh , because he told he watched video of making it ,so he can cook it....I am not even good at making sashimi....so I clearly told it....he don't need to....but he is not going to stop and told me to join his boxing time...so I got it, he is clearly jealous of me going with seokjin hyung....so i told I have shoulder pain....all just laughed and drop the topic ,thanks to God......

Then it was our holiday time...as Jin hyung told he will come with me....i thought of  going  for shopping ,may be buying some hats .......mean just the hats looking same ..... couple hats??? Whatever.....but no how could it be possible because we have another cute kola of Bangtan..... already attached to Jin hyung.....jimin just begging Jin hyung to join his vlive.....but hyung is denying because he is about to complete his 9th level in the video game.....I mean I can't understand him why he plays that Mario game still......I can't even complete a one level ,it's just frustrating......so I didn't ask for the shopping.....



I called him early morning ,so that we can be on time....it was 3 clk in the morning.....but hyung was shocked that I was the one first woke up...why not it's been a month we went for fishing.....you know what makes me happy is !!?, fishing is somewhat Jin hyung likes to do it with his dad....so it's really something he enjoys.....and he does it with me....and only me.....so I am his one and only fishing partner.....but I heard Taehyung's voice groaning......ye one of the other kola of Jin hyung......climbs on his bed too.....he is more clingiest I can say.....I have soft spot for him because the jealousy we experience is the same....just he shows it on his face and I just hides it.....jungkook is the only brave among us

When we reached the boat it was 3 : 30 am....he wore white jacket and looking all nice....I want to say that he looks good ,i mean handsome..... before I make any attempt he started  loudly laughing at my hat and told I am looking cute....that's it I am too flustered to give back complement for him.....

It was 6 clk....we started fishing.....I really want to catch good fishes and cook something good for him....just memorable ,but luck is not on my side.....I couldn't even catch a single..... at least a small fish.I am so disappointed in myself and even embarrassed too, they  are filming us and we didn't even a catch a single a fish. After some hours  Jin hyung finally catch some 2 rock fishes and he so happy. That's what I like in him the most,.the way he appreciates the life....the way he finds happiness in every small things..... sometimes I just wish to be  like him...

When I met him for the first time in our studio.....I was just mesmerized by his handsomeness, ofcourse world wide handsome title suits him.we became friends in less time....I don't know why I even gave my favorite perfume to him....he is the first one I ever gifted anything ,it's not that I am bad,,, it's just.....I feel its like too much of showing emotions,which I am not good at ...

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