What is love ?? ( Taejinmin) 7

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It's not that i was busy ,just me  being lazy 😭 

I hope you will enjoy this....💜 Ignore the mistakes

Jin is  always good at keeping his emotions to himself, as he felt it's burdensome to share his worries with others ,but not now.....he really want to share the things ...he really want someone to talk to him..... because he is not okay ,even  he can't act anymore to be okay too....

But who can stop time, time runs ,it's running.., it's been already 2 months.....Jin meets Taehyung whenever he went to pickup jimin....even they had countable dinners together with yoongi and hosek too....yoongi even asked what Jin wants do now?? 

Jin doesn't know..... doesn't know what to do with the information his loved ones is in love with him but he can't give that feeling back ,but the problem is Jin himself clearly knows that he can't return those feelings it's not because his feelings died but.......jimin......how can he ?? 

So Jin decided he will bury his feelings may be someday they will die down.....and he will love jimin completely,  and jimin will be happy as he have to be....and Taehyung!!! .....Jin will make sure Taehyung have everything in his life ,he will make sure Tae to be successful , have wealth that he shouldn't worry about his future ,he can always make sure Taehyung is doing good...but can he make Taehyung happy keeping the distance , putting facade of friendship .......is it not cheating jimin???

Jin sighed at his thoughts .......

Nobody knows how the month passed ,to finally the day of fest that everyone anticipated is came .....it's today ,,jimin going to get his another victory ,and Taehyung going to get his first success , the very special day Jin going to see the two happy faces which he always wished ......

But everything can't be just go smoothly in the life , otherwise you won't feel alive right??  Everything suddenly became so chaos , because Taehyung locked himself in the Changing room ,as he thought he can't do this .....mere delivery boy going to stand in front of fashion trend setters , going to compete with the models who breath fashion  the very thought gave shock run through his spine....

Taehyung can't help but the very word he doesn't wanted to hear ,the very word he thought he doesn't deserved to hear, is repeating in his mind making his panic attack to worse.....

" You are nothing....." 

No Taehyung want to scream to the world ,,,that he is something...he can do something ,,and he wants to make Jin proud.....then why he can't move an inch ...why he have to be so troublesome for everyone.......

He can here jimin and his co-workers are banging the door non stop , telling him to come out.....he can feel the regret in jimins voice.....

How much he wish ,he would have been not an idiot, not a coward to sit like this......he would have never loose seokjin ...... seokjin ,oh how much seokjin will hate him now.....to cause all these problems.....



" What's going on here ???" 

Jin seen jimin , Mark and some others banging a door......as he promised jimin that he will attend the show he came with yoongi and hosek ....

" Jin......Jin please help me......it shouldn't be like this ....I don't want to loose Jin .....Jin ....I" 

It's first time Jin seen jimin so helpless?? The tears in his eyes broke jins heart.......but he can't understand what's exactly happening....

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