What is love ?? ( Taejinmin) 9

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8 months later......

As jimin entered the studio he  herd  those camera clicking sounds , strangely he likes that sounds too much....Mark told the photos of the new designery clothes are  ready ,it's just jimin have to pick them for the advertisement posters.....now the models shooting is going on....

" Namjoonshi .."

Jimins voice was not so loud but the person got so startled that camera stand fell and broke it's leg...thankfull he held the camera tight atleast.....

" Hai jiminshi...  " His dimples can't hide his mistake though

" Are you this clumsy always??? I think I should stop feeling surprising over this" 

Mean it's just 2 months Namjoon joined as new photographer he broke half of the materials  already,,but he is really amazing in his work if you negotiate his clumsiness ..

" Oh....I am not that clumsy now" 

" Ye....if you say so.....but trust me if you broke anything again you have to pay it through your salary ....." 

Namjoon just smiled and showed the photos he taken .....

" It came out well....and  email me the other days photos too.....and I have request ,I am going for lunch with my friends ,so don't crash my building while I am gone"

" I will work hard not to damage anything jiminshi...." 


" Oh thank you for your consideration Namjoonshi ,get back to the work...." 

Jimin doesn't like the clumsy ones....when he is so perfect in his work.....but Namjoon is so good at his work made jimin to put aside his clumsiness



" Hello....." 

" Hai......" Sleepy voice came from other side

" Ya.....Jin sleepyhead ,wakeup already.... it's 10 in the morning " 

" Hmm....I had late night party jimini" jin mumbled

" whhaaa...I was also there mister,,and we planned for lunch with yoongi and Hosek ,if you forget I will punch on face for sure"....

" My handsome face doesn't deserve it though....and don't worry I will make it, but you should worry about those stupid couples,who are still in their honeymoon phase " 

" Ahhh.... You three don't deserve me....I will call them now...,please wake up and also say hello to Taehyung " 

As jimin cut the call , Jin threw his phone beside while a long slender soft fingers  travelled slowly over his chest rise to neck make him turn to that person side ...made jins lips meeting with fluffy hairs of the person sleeping beside him....

" How come you smell so nice early in the morning Tae ah"  

Taehyung's lips curved upside silently , with his body moving more closer to Jin to feel the warm again.....

" You scented me very well yesterday night hyung" Taehyung whispered in jin's chest 

" So am I  alpha now???" 

" Hmm.....I am your omega " it made both to laugh over the memory of  fictions they read 

Their lips met ....soft and passionate kiss got shared  with morning breath that they didn't care...

" I have afternoon plans with those dumbs and a meeting in the evening,, so I will be home by dinner time .." seokjin lips moved over Taehyung's jaw line

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