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 ' Leave me alone Jin....' Taehyung said giggling

' But you are not giving me any attention , you don't care about me at all' Jin said while punching Taehyung with his RJ

' oh god know you are baby ...I really need to prepare this slide I am taking classes for my Juniors please go and sleep ' Taehyung said while looking at his laptop

' Ye.....I will get someone who cares for me more than you ,then I will leave you just see KIM TAEHYUNG ' Jin showed his angy face and left to bed making Taehyung to laugh loud and follow Jin asking sorry...



" Is he took that so much into his heart...??? To make him leave me jimin ah!!" Taehyung asked his best friend while looking out of the window ,

''you didn't eat anything from yesterday ,please don't do this, at least think for your babies ''jimin said while placing his hands over Taehyung 's belly

'' oh ...i would have said i am pregnant before he leaving me right ?? may be he would have not left me '' the tears didn't stop running

''Don't do this Tae ,,your babies need you .please get together yourself '' jimin couldn't see his soulmate anymore like this ..its been week

A week ,,everything changed ,changed to the extent no body expected ,no body needed ..

Taehyung and jin met in cafe ,,the friendship evolved into love ...they were in relationship for 5 yrs , Taehyung is doctor and jin a business man ..jimin really doubted they will last long but they surprised everyone much ever they were busy they made time for each other ....they were so happy ,so much in love ...jimin never seen Taehyung to be that much happy

Taehyung was so much happy when he found out he is pregnant , that to with twins ...he wanted to tell jin and gave him life time surprise ,,he even ordered custom made T-shirts with quote of 'GOING TO BE DAD '.....

''Tae we have to go for checkup , you really look sick ''





'Taetae ...taetae ' jin started kicking Taehyung who is sleeping soundfully beside

'hmm...whats it honey ??' Taehyung asked through his sleepy voice eyes still closed

'it's 2 clock ,i am hungry '

'oh ..i saved some steaks ,you can get it in fridge ' Tae turned to left

'no ..i want to eat ice cream today ,,now ' jin have this odd craving for food in the midnight

'i am definitely going to divorce you jin ' Taehyung sat with half opened eyes

'silly you have to marry me first to divorce ' jin giggled while hugging his RJ

'ye are going to be the first boyfriend to get divorce before marriage ' Taehyung moved out of the bed to get jin's strawberry ice cream that he brought while coming back from work ...




''Taehyung ,,you are really not doing good ,,its effecting your babies growth ,,you have twins and you are in your 9 weeks and i am not scaring you but if you are not going to eat and sleep ,and take your medicines properly and if you not stop stressing yourself , may loose them '' Hosek one of Tae's best friend an obstetrician told him with concerned in his eyes

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