What is love ?? ( Taejinmin) 8

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It's been so long, I don't know why I suddenly lost interest in writing this story....but here I am finally updating it💜

Jimin surprised everyone including Jin ,when he announced he is preponed the engagement , first thing he didn't even discussed it with Jin and second  acting unplanned it's not jimin thing .....but Jin didn't even thought of  saying no.... because he thought it's good as soon as he sets his mind to the reality....

The hall is full of people,,who came to wish the pair and bless them for their  life time commitment to travel together in the path of love ,trust and respect for each other ..... engaging is not less than marriage ,it's the promise of  going to become a significant of other......

Jin got ready in white suite as like jimin fashioned  ... Jin stood in front of the mirror and felt little surprised ,is he really this handsome? .....a little smile is formed on his face....

'pink is your color hyung .'.....Jin still remember Taehyung used to tease Jin whenever he wears any pink shirts.....

Jin can see the image of Taehyung in the mirror....

.....' how is it really possible is we have telepathy ??' ,Jin thought  and tilted his head while asking Taehyung through his eyes.....

' hmm..... don't know..but  I just wanted to see you.'..... Taehyung gave a little smile and confirmed they do have telepathy......

'you look so handsome hyung...how are you aging back !?'  Tae wiggled his eyebrows teasing Jin .....that made Jin blush instantly evident by his rosy cheeks.....

Tae took a little deep breath before closing his eyes  ,that clenched jins heart ,,

' I should let you go ..' ........is that what Taehyung meant or is it jin's heart reflecting in Taehyung's eyes...!!!??Jin don't want to question it ?? Because he definitely don't want an answer for it.......

Both of their eyes are filled and no one ready to let those tears to roll down....and Tae approached Jin with slow steps and surprised him by giving back hug.....

" Tae....."!!

"Give me a minute hyung .....please "

Jin just melt in that hug even though he know he is wrong ,so wrong but it felt so right for his heart......

" Don't turn hyung.....if I see your face I can't tell what I want to tell you for the last time....."

Taehyung nuzzled himself over those world wide shoulders ....may be  the tears rolled down finally wet the jins coat ...

" Last.....last time??? What do you mean last time Tae??" 

Is Taehyung doesn't want to see me anymore?? , is Taehyung hate me now?? ......seokjin's thoughts made his heart break into thousand of pieces 

" Hmm......Jin hyung I am leaving Seoul , me...."

" Leaving ...?? To where?? What you will do there?? Is anyone with you?? Is..."

Jin tried to face Taehyung,but Tae held him in the position by tightining his hug.....

" Hyungaa .. ..listen to me ,,still I didn't plan where I am going  ,but I know I am leaving ,,,you know I wanted to be an artist always right?? I am going to start my uni from this year......and ....I want to tell you that....

....Thank you so much Jin hyung , not only for loving me ,but for showing me what love is,,for making me feel the emotions other than pity ,,you always comforted me, supported me, you were always there for me and you are always special to me in every way...you are everything that anybody can desire of....and I am so proud of you ....I ....I love you so much that I can never unlove you ......

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