What is love? ( Taejinmin ) 2

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It's going to be 2 months for the final exams ,,Tae going to be second year while Jin going to be graduate ...and it's the most painful thing Taehyung felt in his life ,

 because he won't get to see Jin ,he won't get to taste jins food....no affection ,no sweet touches over his bruised lips, no caring words when he got beaten up, no warm embraces at the end of day , no more roof top seeking , there will be one with Taehyung to watch the night sky.....

The thought only scares the hell.out of him.....but Taehyung doesn't want to question those feelings, because for him it doesn't  have future, for him he just getting addicted to this new affection.....and of course he should come out of this bubble , before it burst on it's own....

But he didn't know he will never get opportunity to wish his hyung for all the luck  for his future, to tell him he is so great full for his affection, and may be  to tell him to get someone who know how to love him back...(.ahh but  Taehyung  secretly knows he will skip the last one ,but just still don't know why....)

It was Monday ,, Taehyung finished his milk and paper delivery job....and got ready for uni....but suddenly a bunch of people came inside his home by broking the door.....

" Where is your dad kid??" There were  Total 6 members , 

" Who are you all????"

" It doesn't matter....your dad  have to pay back us...he lost in the race....and he got absconded ,is he really think he can runaway from us.....we will kill him" 

Think whatever you want ,but Taehyung doesn't feel anything hearing these words ...infact he wished many times for to get news of his father's death....

" He didn't come home since  15 days and we don't know where he is....."

" Oh!!! you guys are hiding him"

"What I will get from hiding him...please all of you leave now...." Taehyung got annoyed as he was getting late for uni,may be his seokjin hyung waiting at the gate of uni

That's the last word.... Taehyung got punches to his stomach....he got beaten up by 5 muscular guys .....he couldn't even move a bit , may be this time he needs hospitalization, because he is not sure his organs are okay or not....

But it have to be get worse....his mom appeared of no where with some money in her hand and gave them with so much attitude and dared to tell them that they will clear the remaining money...

.....oh why not she is already high in early morning.....

Those people.left with money with clear warning for Taehyung to pay back their money as soon as possible ....

" Mom....you....you can't do this to me....it was money for my uni fees....."

Taehyung got up from the floor by taking support from the near by chair.....

" What....you will do....from studying,do you think you can be officer ?? CEO of big company..?? No.... nothing at all....."

This what he heard for his whole life.....He is nothing........

That's how he stopped his only dream of completing uni to get some simple job and settle down happily ..,.... because he is  born to be this way....no body can change his fate......

It's not that he didn't try to run away from all of these....but how much ever he tried he fell back to this hell without Missing......

The month after leaving uni, not meeting Jin made him go crazy....he thought of leaving all these things and  run into Jin.... because he is sure ,elder will take him in , with his big messy baggage....

But is it because of pride or shame or whatever Taehyung didn't make courage to reach out to Jin....

He started working as full time worker , and part time works in the evening time...he made sure to pack his day enough not to think about  anything , particularly about Jin hyung.....

He wished daily without Missing that, he could meet Jin one day, to see him in suite coming in a big car....as successful man , he wish he could tell him how much he missed the elder.....




After 6 months:::

" Jin it's been 6 months......."

" I know yoongi....." 

" Jin come on....that kid never felt anything about you....and he left uni all of sudden , at least he didn't tell you anything .... He didn't come to your graduation too....he is clear about it....so it's your time to move on....."

The truth of Taehyung never felt anything for him is the very thing Jin doesn't know how to digest it....but he have to....he can't live his life miserably.....

He tried to contact Taehyung in all the way possible.....he even went to near his home...but there was no clue about him..... at least Jin wants to know the younger is okay......

He got graduated ,and started company with yoongi and hosek.....they have hotel business....with...lot of  struggles....and they  are ready to face it everything.....

His friends are always there for  him to helpout with anything, they made sure to keep him company....not leaving him alone at all.....

.....but Jin can't help but felt lonely without Taehyung..... because there is no one to ask him to count stars...,there is one no one to drag him out of the home to run on the road in the mid night, there is no one  talk about how aliens will take over the earth,....there is one like Taehyung  pure, innocent,  beautiful heart ....there is no smile can match up that boxy smile..only ,,.that can warm  jins heart .....

But if Taehyung doesn't want him to be in his life ,he will never pressure the younger....he will try to move on......he wish for younger to have someone to take care of him,but even though he knows there is no one can take care of the younger more than himself.....

He wish he would have been more good enough , more expressive to show his feelings, he wish he would have more adamant ,,he wish he would have been more stubborn and asked Taehyung to give him one chance....



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