You have me ( Taejinkook) 5

819 34 3

Ending~~~~~ 👏👏

If you don't like the ending please ignore this chapter ....

So 👇




Tae pov::

It's been 8 months ,,,I pushed him from my live how ever I want ,...carefree??? ,Ye.....but each day I realized how much I am in love with Jin.....every minute I died ,,every second started weighing years to breath......

I go on stage and put a mask on me .....I sing ,dance  make people go crazy on me.....I started acting , attending interviews, award shows , public functions ....many more  and everything includes people around hundreds to lachs.....,, I never left a minute to go waste .....but here I am with most crouded concert feeling aloneness.....the thing I learnt is being alone means not having no one with you ,,it's having everyone yet you feel the void ......

Jin hyung I am alone......alone here......

How much ever I tried to run towards you, the chain of guilt tied me up ,,,,I wished every day some one  to come and unlock it ,,,but what to do the key is my innocence, that I lost long time there is no way of unlocking from these.....

It's getting heavy hyung....every day ,,the guilt is growing in's already took over me.....I am feeling myself as garbage nothing more.....I should go through this ,that's what I deserve.....but....but it's so painfully hyung.....why can't I just end it.....???

All the pain in one go......

I want you to be happy Jin hyung...happy with someone....who know how to treasure you, how to cherish the moments with you... to be loyal .... to be genuinely deserving your love......

jk will take care of you.....

So.....its goodbye I guess.....,



It's my last concert,, I bid a good bye for my fans too.... ,,I wish I would have in terms to call you ,to say for goodbye.....I guess it's how it to be......

The knife didn't look scary when I hold it on my wrist.....but the look of myself in the mirror is so scary......

who is he??? From where he came into me??? Where  your Taetae went hyung??? The kid who followed you without a question , the one wanted to live his whole life in your arms, the one ..... you loved,....the one you kissed ,hugged , made love with......can I just see him once ,for the last time....???

When the monster took over me??  

The pain I am feeling now is much more  When I sold my body for the money when I was 13 , the guilt of thinking about saying yes for other man just for the money is ripping me hyung....

But trust me hyung this heart is only belongs to you,even though it's meaning less at this point....

My tears are becoming dry.....there is no tears left in me...

When the knife moved smoothly on my wrist ,the blood started oozing out....I don't even feel a pain looks good ,,,but 

But ...I want to see you last time I will die without seeing you...??? Will you come for my funeral....?? Will you forgive me ??...

The moment everything become dark.....




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