What is love ? ( Taejinmin) 5

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" So we officially starting the new restaurant??!"

Yoongi can't help but smile at their achievements.....

" Ye yoongi....we really worked hard,  ... I am expecting to reach our goal  of profit by this early October only..."

" Trust me Jin.. sometimes I feel everything is dream you know....like ..how much we doubted on us when we started these things 5 yrs back ...god how much we cried when we didn't  have anything left in our hands....."

" We really struggled a lot....but without you and hosek may be I would have quit by now... " Jin can't even imagine to be alone in this battle, without saying it goes same for yoongi and Hosek too

" We are together forever Jin........."

" Hmm......I don't know I just don't believe things for forever......but I know you two will be with me in all my ups and downs though "

It's not Jin doesn't want to wish things to stay forever......but after loosing Taehyung made several changes in his life....one among is about wishing for forever .....

" Hmm...   You are doing good Jin.....but.....I....."

Yoongi knows everything about Jin .,he knows how much Jin struggled with his feelings ,how much Jin cried under his pillows to forget those memories which he wanted to cherish for longer 

" You can tell me anything you know that right yoongi.??"

" It's just....you know you are my best friend and I root for you...but, jimin is really good guy Jin, he deserves best...mean he gave the whole of himself to you.... don't you think it's fair if he receives the same  in return??"

" I know.....but what to do ,I lost best part of mine with Taehyung  ,even though he received it or not.....so how can I give something that I don't have yoongi??"

It's not Jin cheats on jimin....but still somehow Jin wished he love jimin the way jimin loves him.....

" Jin ...I didn't talk about it before but...now you guys are going to engage....it's really big step I want you to think before you end up hurting anyone and specially yourself"

Hurting !! How much Jin wished he can word it how it feels when your heart hurts, he knows too well this hurt feeling then how come he  can hurt jimin....when jimin did is only love him, support him ......

" Yoongi , you know when I felt my first heart break ??. I thought it was when Tae rejected me but no...it was when I stopped myself to looking for Taehyung   ......I.......I want to be happy too,, and I know it will really hurts more if I continue to looking for him to come back to my life , so I moved on!!? ...may be I am selfish now but  seriously I love jimin ....he makes me happy ....I will try my best to make him happy too .....with my sincere heart , so don't worry about me"

Yoongi went and just hugged Jin and caressed his back a little.......that something rare to occur....it's just because both are not good at showing their affection through physically ...

"What's going on here ??"

Hosek leaned to the door and tilted his head to observe the two hugging but  they make sure to made it  awkward by  maintaining distance in the lower part ....

" You startled me....." Yoongi pushed Jin not so hard but .....

" You two don't do this often ,and not without me atleast.... ya Jin!!! Don't cheat on my cousin "

Yoongi groaned not subtly but Jin laughed loud with windshield  effect.....

" Come on Hosek , don't be jealous.....and I am sorry I have to leave now, as I have to pick your cousin ,who didn't even bother to call me these 15 days....."

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