I don't want to leave yet [taejinkook]

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''hyung ,should we by some containers too??''

''no kookie ,we have already enough no need ,,if you need anything hyung will buy for you ''

jungkook just shook his head as no ,,but he is already blushing as jin told him ,he will buy something for him..

''i want to buy something for Tae ,,but i don't have any idea what to buy hyung ??''

jin just caressed jungkook hairs ,,they are so pluffy ,,but not likes Tae's silky hair

''buy anything he will be happy ,he appreciates gifts ,,''

''i will buy him some superman stickers and some stars and moons too ,we can decor his room ,,,he was telling ,he is so bored there ''

for that jin can only humm ...



as soon as jin and jungkook entered hospital ,,,jins breathing is not in regular way ,,he is sweating ....there is some unbearable pain in his chest ,,,that he can't just lift it and keep it aside ,,,every time he enters hospital ....he is worried of listening something he never wants to,,something he doesn't have enough courage to hear ....

but jungkook intervined their hands ,,,,what a relief ,,,jin have jungkook now ...so ..someone will be there when jin going to break down soon ...some one will be there to wrap him and tell him it is  okay ....

.but jin knows it can never be okay .....loosing his love of life is not okay at all....but why everyone telling him ,,,to get adjust with that ...to accept their fate ....no he can never ,,,even Tae tells him to be okay ,,jin knows it will never be okay .......

as soon they entered the ward jin freed his hand from jungkook ...

''jinni ,,,jungkookie ....i waited for you guys longer ...what you two went on date ??without telling me ??''

''Tae baby ,,,we went to market ....and jungkook brought some gift for you ''

''wow see kookie cares for me more than you jinni ''

these two forget jin ...Tae is already making plans where to put this stickers ,,,the way his boxy smile not leaving his lips making jin eyes to blur ,,how many days left ?? how many more days he could see this  boxy smile...he doesn't want to cry ,,no not at all in front of Taehyung ...he can cry to sleep in the night on his bed ...with kookie wrapping him up .... 

jin and Taehyung fall for each other ,,,they were so happy ...so so happy they were already made a plan for coming 50 yrs ,,but they didn't expect to accidentely  get to know Tae have blood cancer ,,and he have less time ....

''Tae i know you get bored here ,thats why i brought some of musical vedios ,,jin hyung told you like classical ...so i hope it will help you ''

''thank you so much ,,,you are so kind and adorable kookie ,,,you are just the way jin likes the most ''

Tae and jungkook met in hospital ....,jungkook got admitted for blood transmission for his anemia that time  ..,, really they took 2 days to become best friends ....,jungkook fell harder for jin ,,as he thought jin as Taes older brother ..thats what Tae told him...he even told jungkook to ask him for date ,,,when jin made faces and told Taehyung is his boyfriend ,,how much jk cried ...but Tae was determined ,,he was not joking when he supported jk to ask jin for date ,,,because Tae doesn't want to leave jin alone here .....

so now jin is with jungkok ,,not romantically ...not yet ,,,but for Taehyung ...and jungkook ,oh god this boy is made of pure gold ,,he is ready to wait for jin ,,,he understands taejin ...their love ,,longing ,,heart breakening ,,,he is ready to hold jin when he wants ....and jin hates it ,,hates it why jungkook have to suffer ,when this man is deserves all the love in this world ,,not the crying jin in his arms every night ....

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