What is love ? (Taejinmin) 4

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Without knowing the chapter became little long ....💜

After their making out sessions, jimin drove back to his apartment and took hot water shower as hot water hit his sore muscles made him  moan a little ,,and he thought of taking a good sleep as he planned many things for tonight ,so he have to make his body rest well.....

Jimin met Jin in his cousin Hosek's birthday party, of course both we're charming...and they had one night stand .....but jimin didn't expect himself to fall for Jin hardly, after a month of struggling with his feelings he directly approached Jin asked him for date....Jin likes it when people are direct and clear about what they want .....but he took almost 3 months to answer back jimin.....

They started dating ,of course everything went good in first six months....then they used to have little fights, their opinions started clashing often....but what Jin appreciate and  learnt from Jimin is...'never give up on what you really want how much ever  hard it is' ....

Still they fight now also, but now they know how to solve the things.....in that jimin is the first one to start to talk about their disagreements as he doesn't like to drag things unnecessarily.....Jin wants to be like jimin in their relationship,,just open and bold and sincere with the feelings ,but he is trying....after all not every person is perfect and not every relationship have to be perfect.....

Jimin and Jin are most adored future son in-laws ,both of their families wants them to tie up in heavenly bond already.....but they are too busy with their careers so they agreed for engagement after jimins fashion fest ,

oh god Jin still remember the day when he said yes for engagement , how jimin was literally flying ,mean how he let his guards down all his cool attitude for Jin....he let Jin to see his vulnerable side ,the weakest of him  that even he didn't show it to his mirror image .....

Jimin slid into his red velvety robe ,that Jin brought for him as for couple looks when they are together on bed, for jimin Jin is too domestic and he strangely loves it.....

But before he close his eyes....his office mobile started ringing made jimin to groan out of frustration,,but he took the call anyhow ...

" Ye Mr.Lee is there any problem??....."

" Sorry for the trouble sir.    But.......but there is huge problem......it's....."

" Can you please get to the point"

" It's our... .  Main model .......Mr.Sang ditched us ......"

" WHAT!!!!????"

With no more words ,jimin cut the call and calmed himself before driving to his office,,, it's not the first time he got betrayed ,so it's okay even though it's hard ,it's  just he is getting tired but  he is used to it....he have to though....

" Mr. Lee what the actual fuck it's all"

" Sorry sir ,.....our company model sang ditched us  he signed with the new company now ''

''wait but he worked with us for the fest,we have finalized all the concepts and the designs ''

''sir ,they planned everything ,,actually its his bond with us got over  last month as he had no issues of continuing here ,,company just relaxed with this  and now  we can't sue him too ''

 yes unless having loose pools like this ,no one can do something big like this ...jimin hate his company administration for this ,its like whatever he and his team sacrificed in the last 6 months of their sleep, timely meals ,family time, weekends ,their social life completely got wasted , because of someone's stupidity, someone's greed, someone's cruel mind to be in first place....

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