I'm not him ( yoonjintae) 5

245 27 4

Long chapter 😅

" Yoongi hyung....are you really not going to talk to me?? " 

Hosek tried everything for now to make yoongi soft, even that rediculous aeyego's ..but no yoongi is like military officer ...

" Do you guys even know how rediculous is your plan??" Yoongi snapped at Hosek at last 

" Atleast you talked to me....but we didn't have any other choice ,but send seokjin there " Hosek tried to defend his boyfriend Namjoon 

" Shut up....you know what,  you three are crazy to even think this way....." 

" Just tell me you are missing seokjin....and break that breakup and get your man bro and sure you can thank Namjoon and me later with wine " Hosek gave wink at yoongi....but he composed himself seeing serious face of his friend

" Hosek.....if you still believe me and seokjin are perfect together then it's your delusion, if you ask I miss seokjin then hell a yes...I miss him a lot as my friend,as my roommate, as my soulmate...." 

" Yoongi you guys love each other.....every couple gets into the fight, it's common....you guys just need time for yourself and then everything will be normal....okay" Hosek assured his friend

." No Hosek ah you can't understand ...you know ,what made us into relationship ?? It's you guys....you always told we are perfect together, we understand each other...and there can never be anyone come between us .....

you know why I ask for breakup..??? Because finally i get it why i asked him to be my boyfriend...it was because I got scared....scared that I will loose him if ,if anyone comes between us..... ofcourse he accepted me , because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings......but love it's not about holding someone with the fear of loosing ....it's about loosing yourself to gain  the togetherness....

We are together in this 2 yrs now....but I felt we were happy together when we didn't have this tagline of boyfriends.....me and seokjin are too different person ,we are like opposite poles , but our friendship is above anything ....if we keep on going  on this seesaw , I will loose my best friend ....and I can't trade my friendship with anything  in this world .....

He is that someone who becomes too brave when it comes to cherishing others feelings but when it comes to his feelings he  becomes that fool ,that you have to knock some sense to him ...and that's what I am doing....seokjin doesn't have romantic feelings for me , that we both have to accept , but he is coward to say it loud to even himself because, he doesn't want to hurt me...." 

Hosek doesn't know what to tell....he is just feeling broken ,is he is the reason that his friends went through this much? Is his words made them to take decisions that they never wanted to?? Is he put that scary thought of someone coming between them?? But he never had that intension.....all he thought that they look perfect together and both can make each other happy....

Hosek wanted to see them happy nothing else.....

Before he ask for the forgiveness , his phone started ringing ... seeing Namjoon id....it broke him further....

He felt he never takes right decisions....he put his friends into so much and he is making his boyfriend to choose him over his family.....

Oh god Hosek felt , terrible....

" Hello"....




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