Chapter VI

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"Skylar!" Alexis's voiced boom throughout my room, waking me up from my sleep, "What the hell get up, we have to be at work in thirty minutes!"

I gasped and hopped up, snatching the covers and throwing them off my body. I ran to my dresser and grabbed a random pair of black, high-waisted skinny jeans and a white v-neck with a pocket on the right breast pocket. I grabbed a black bra and a pair of black boy shorts underwear then ran into the bathroom to quickly wash myself up and throw on my clothes.

Once I finished, I brushed my teeth quickly while brushing my hair somewhat. I quickly applied some bb cream foundation and mascara then ran into my room, seeing Alexis sitting down on my bed with an annoyed look on her face.

"I know, I know. " I sighed, grabbing a pair of socks and sliding them on, "I'm almost ready."

I grabbed my black vans and slid them on, grabbing my phone off the charger and checking the time. We had fifteen minutes to get to work. I grunted loudly and grabbed my wallet before checking myself in my mirror. I grabbed my chap-stick and shrugged, looking back at Alexis.

"Let's go."

I exhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath as Alexis and I clocked in right on time. I grabbed my apron and tied it around my waist, grabbing a notebook and a pen and sliding it into the pockets of my apron. I took the hair tie from on my wrist and pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail.

"Table 5 is ready for you Skylar!" Angelina, one of the workers, informed me.

I nodded and walked out the doors, putting a friendly smile on my face as I approached the table.

"Hello, I'm Skylar and I'll be your waitress for the day. Can I start you guys off with drinks?" I said almost as if it was scripted.

They told me their orders and I walked back, grabbing two cups and filling them before heading back to the table. They told me what they wanted to eat and I put in their order. As the cook prepared the food, I leaned against the counter as I watched Alexis clean up some dishes.

"It's only about twenty minutes into the job and I'm already sick of it." I muttered, picking with my nails.

Alexis chuckled, "I totally agree with you, my fingers are gonna resemble old lady fingers by the end of our shift." She scrunched up her face in disgust as she lifted her wet hands out the sink.

"Skylar, table 8 is ready to order! I have to get table 3's food, can you please get their order?" Amanda, another workers asked.

I sighed and nodded, seeing how stressed out she was, "Yeah sure, I'll get it." I smiled.

I raised my eyebrows at Alexis and huffed, grabbing my notepad and walked out the kitchen and over to table 8, where a young man and a pretty girl laughed with each other.

"Hello, I'll be your waitress for today since Amanda is really busy. I'm Sky-" I looked up and met eyes with a very familiar pair.

"Skylar?" Jack asked, his face tensing up a little.

I swallowed hard and sighed, keeping my composure, "Uh, yeah that's my name." I pointed to my name tag on my t-shirt pocket, "Can I start you guys off with drinks?" I asked.

"I'll have a coke, please." She softly smiled at me.

I nodded and wrote it down, "And for you?" I muttered.

"I'll uh, I'll have the same thing." Jack said, licking his lips anxiously.

I nodded and walked away expeditiously, grabbing two cups and filling them up as slowly as I could. I took a deep breath before I walked out with the tray in my hand and the drinks on top.

I closed my eyes tightly as I took a deep breath and opened them slowly, making my way back over to the table.

"Are you guys ready to order?" I asked as I sat down their drinks in front of them, avoiding eye contact with Jack.

"Yeah, I'll have the fettuccine pasta." The girl ordered which I wrote down as quickly and neatly as possible.

"I'll have the same thing." Jack said, his eyes never leaving me, trying to make eye contact.

I nodded and spun around, walking into the kitchen and giving the order to the cook. I grabbed the food for table 5, placing it on a tray and walked out with it.

I gave them their food with a sweet smile on my face and turned around to walk back in the kitchen after making sure everything was good. As I reached the kitchen door, I was pulled back by the wrist.

"Skylar, it isn't what it looks like I promise." Jack told me, pulling me closer to him.

I yanked my hand out his grip, "I don't care what it looks like. We aren't together and we're barely friends. You're aloud to do whatever you want with whoever you want." I spoke sharply and harshly.

"But Sk-"

I cut him off, "I don't care, Jack." I said slowly, emphasizing every word, "Now, if you don't mind I have to go get your food." I hissed before turning around and walking into the kitchen.

I leaned against the sink again, my arms crossed over my chest, "What's wrong, Sky?" Alexis asked, cleaning out a pot.

"Guess who decided to show up with a girl?" I said, tapping my foot in annoyance.

She furrowed her eyes as she thought then subsequently gasped with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, "No!" She said in disbelief.

I nodded, "Yup."

"Did he at-least explain?" She asked. drying off her hands as she finished the last pot for now.

I shook my head and shrugged, "He tried to tell me it wasn't what it looked like but I didn't wanna listen. We're not dating and we're hardly friends so he doesn't have to explain himself to me."

Alexis rolled her eyes, "You still should've listened instead of being so stubborn."

I shrugged, "Like I told him, " I pushed myself off the counter and grabbed their food which was just placed on a plate, "I don't care."

I grabbed a tray and placed the food on their and walked out the door, my butt opening it as I spun around and walked to the table. I placed down their food and quickly walked away, not looking at Jack. I could hear him sigh as I walked away but I didn't care.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't hurt because I was. But, then again I didn't know what was actually happened and it could honestly not be what it looks like. I just didn't wanna hear it at that moment, plus I didn't have a right to mad.

He's not my boyfriend and I wasn't his girlfriend, he could go eat with whoever he wanted.

As much as I hated to admit it, I think I was slightly jealous.

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