Chapter XXVI

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- Jack's POV -

I closed my car door shut, swinging my keys around my index finger as I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell multiple times.

I looked around at my surroundings as I waited for the door to open. A couple seconds later, the door swung open and there stood one of my best friends, Sammy, with a smile on his face.

"Finally! What the hell took you so long bro?" Sammy greeted me, giving me a handshake then moving to the side and letting me inside, closing the door behind me.

"Sorry man, I had to motivate myself to get out of bed. I was exhausted." I explained, walking into the living room.

There sat Johnson, Nate and Mike all on sofa watching the latest football game.

"Hey what's up bro." They all greeted, glancing over at me momentarily before returning their attention back on the football game. It was on the fourth quarter and the score was tied, there was only about five minutes left of the game.

"So what's been up with you? Haven't hung out in a while." Sammy asked, plopping down on the couch at the same time next to me.

I shrugged, "Nothing really, just been chilling."

"Aye' that Skylar girl you brought over here a few weeks ago, what's up with her? She's hot." Sammy asked, tapping my arm with the back on his hand as the thought occured to him.

I licked my lips slowly, looking straight ahead at the television, "What do you mean what's up with her?" I asked, not really wanting to answer these type of questions about her.

"Is she single?" He re-asked.

"Sort of.." I scratched the back of my neck.

Sammy scruched up his eyebrows, forming a crease in his forehead, "What do you mean sort of?" He asked confused.

"We've been talking for a few months now, I really like her." I slouched down in the couch, extending my legs in front of me.

"Oh, wait? You're hitting that bro?" He asked excitedly.

I looked over at him and I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm not 'hitting that'."

Sammy looked at me a little surprised at my annoyed tone, raising his eyebrows, "You really like her don't you, Jack?" He asked.

I smiled softly, "Yeah, " I nodded, "I do."

"Aw shit guys, G's whipped!" Sammy annouced, making all the guys turn their attention to us.

"Whipped? Who whipped you?" Johnson asked.

"Nobody he's-"

"It's that really hot chick, Skylar! The one with the long wavy brown hair, gorgeous hazel eyes and bangin' body! I mean she has curves man, perfect as-"

"Okay, Sam! We fucking get it." I cut him off, getting even more annoyed.

"Oh shit, you are whipped." Mike chuckled.

I shook my head, "I'm not fucking whipped. Just because I actually like a girl instead of just wanting to fuck her doesn't mean I'm whipped." I explained, running my hand through my hair.

"Alright, calm down. We're just fucking with you bro." Nate said, holding up his hand. I exhaled deeply and licked my lips.

"So tell us about her because I have yet to meet this girl." Nate said.

"She's amazing, just know that. She's so caring and sweet yet such a sarcastic asshole and I love it, it's intriguing. Not to be all mushy and shit but, she's perfect in my eyes. But the thing is, she's not ready for a relationship because of a bad breakup. I want her but I just can't have her and it fucking sucks." I sighed, leaning my elbows on my knees while leaning forward.

"Damn," Johnson breathed.

I looked over at him, "What?" I asked.

"I don't remember the last time you've talked about a girl like that before. It's weird."

I smiled, 'I don't remember the last time I met a girl like her. Not only is she attractive as hell, she's got a big heart. She's got all the perfect traits I want in a girl."

"So what's stopping you from being with her?" Mike asked.

"She is." I sighed, "Like I said, she had a bad breakup and she's scared to be with someone again. She's scared I'd cheat on you like her ex did, but I honestly don't think I'd do that to her. Especially when she's all I want."

"Then show her." Johnson said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Show her what?" I asked.

"Show her that she's all you want. Show her that you wouldn't cheat on her. Show her how much you want her." He explained.

"But how? I've been trying but I don't know how to." I asked.

Johnson shrugged, "Do her favorite things, take her out to places, make memories that she'll never forget. I know you man, you're a ladies man! You know what to do."

"It's different with her though. She's not into cliche, mushy things. She hates them actually. You know how girls like to go to expensive fancy restaurants, get spoiled with gifts or do weird shit like kiss in the rain or watch the stars?" I asked, looking at all the guys.

They nodded, chuckling in disbelief at the high expectations girls hold us to.

"Well she doesn't. She'd rather stay at home and eat junk food and watch scary movies. She loves scary movies, they're her favorite. Now how many girls do you know like shit like that? Not a lot. That's why I like her, so much, she's different."

"I mean, I had her meet my parents and they loved her. She was so nervous, it was cute. It was like all her toughness and sarcasm was gone for a while and she was almost vulnerable. I love how she opens up around me. I've stayed at her house a few times and having her in my arms was - undescribable." I paused, "Damn, maybe I am whipped." I murmured looking down at my hands.

All the guys chuckled, hearing what I said, "I told you."

Sammy shrugged, "But maybe that's not a bad thing. It'll help you get over Le-"

"Don't even say her name. She almost ruined everything for Skylar and I. Skylar didn't talk to me for a whole month thanks to her and if It wasn't for us being at the fair at the same time and getting on the Ferris Wheel at the same time, I probably still wouldn't be talking to her." I scoffed, clenching my jaw.

"Alright.." Sammy dragged out, "anyway, go talk to her. Tell her how you really feel. You never know what could be the end result." He raised his eyebrows, turning his head slightly while lifting his hands.

I nodded, "Yeah, you're right. I nee-"

I was cut off by the ringing of my phone in my pocket. I patted my pocket before digging my hand in it and pulling out my phone. I looked at the screen and Caller I.D, smiling instantly at the background picture. I clicked the answer button and put it up to my ear.

"Hey Sky, I was just talking about you." I said, standing up and walking away from the boys, causing them to immaturely "ooo"

"Oh really? Good things I hope."

"I have nothing but good things to say about you." I smiled, leaning my back against the wall, putting my hand in my pocket.

"Aww, " She cooed, "you're too sweet."
I chuckled, "So what's up?" I asked.

"Oh, right, " Her happy tone disappeared and it was replaced with a more serious tone.

"What is it, Sky?" I asked, getting a little worried.

"Nothing bad, we just uh - " She paused, "We just uh," She faltered.

"What is it, Sky?" I urged.

She sighed, "I uh - we need to talk."

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