Chapter XXXI

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- A Few Weeks Later -

The raindrops raced down my window in my room, lightening striking brightly in the sky. Some people absolutely adore the rain but I honestly hated it. I hated it because it made me think. The gloomy sky and grey clouds made me go deep into thought for some reason.

Jack had been away for two weeks due to work with his best friend Jack. It's been kind of lonely since Alexis was also out of town for family reasons. The only person that came to see me was Chase and that was only probably once a week.

I hated being alone, especially at times like this. Not only was it rainy out, my stomach and back was killing me. All together, I was having a horrible day.

The only thing playing in the background was the soft sound of Ed Sheeran, trying to calm myself down and just relax.

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still love me the same

I had pillows tucked all around me and my eyes were closed. I was trying to fall asleep since I hadn't had much sleep last night due to the cramps and slight headache. I was stopped from sleeping by my doorbell ringing continuously.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I groaned, slowly pulling the covers off myself and getting out of bed. I slid my feet across the wooden floors and down the stairs.

The bell continuously rang rapidly, it was obvious the person was in a rush. "Chill the fuck ou-" I shouted as I swung open the door but stopped.

"I'm home baby." Jack smiled, his hoodie over his head, an umbrella over his head and a huge smile on his face.

I smiled wide and pulled him inside, closing the door behind me and engulfing him in a huge hug. Jack chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up from the floor. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist, wanting to feel him closer.

"I missed you so much." I whispered in his ear.

"I missed you too." He swayed us from side to side.

After a few more moments of holding each other, he finally let go of me. "What's wrong babe?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

I furrowed my eyes, confused on how he knew something was wrong, "Huh?"

"I can tell in your eyes something's bothering you babe. Talk to me." He urged, holding my hands while looking intently in my eyes.

"It's nothing really. I just been a little lonely y'know since you've been gone for two weeks and then Alexis left last week. And then it's raining which really fucks up my mood." I explained.

"Aw," He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, "I'm sorry babe but I'm here now so it's all good."

I nodded, "Indeed it is."

Jack lifted my head up, kissing my lips like he usually does; slowly and lustful. Jacks touch was always so warming, so loving. He was such a romantic kisser, like something out of a dream. It was mind-blowing.

I pulled away slowly, trying to catch my breath, "I love when you do that." I whispered.

"I love doing that." He smiled, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth.

I leaned my forehead on his shoulder, running my hands around his waist and locking my hands together behind his back.

"Wanna go lay down?" He muttered.

I nodded and before I could pull away, Jack had lifted me up and began carrying me us the stairs.

"I could've walked y'know." I giggled.

"And whats the fun in that?" He smirked, entering my bedroom and closing the door behind us. He walked over to bed and placed me on it gently, kicking off his shoes and laying down next to me.

He wrapped his arms around me as I nuzzled up to his surprisingly warm body. "How are you so warm yet it's cold and raining outside?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I have no idea." He chuckled.

"I guess your hotness is radiating off you and creating warmth." I smirked, rolling my eyes at myself for being so corny.

"That was so corny, I'm sorry." I apologized at my corny attempt to be funny.

He shook his head, placing his hand on my cheek, "I missed you more than I expected." He pecked my nose.

"Really?" I smiled, a sense of happiness rushing through me.

"Yeah, you never left my mind honestly. Unless I was like on stage but even then I thought about you." He explained, running his hand through my hair.

"I missed you too. I've been in this house by myself for two weeks. Usually it wouldn't bother me but I got so use to just calling you up and asking you to come over." I licked my lips.

"I remember not feeling good on the rode and wishing I could just come over and see you but y'know, the distance kinda killed that wish." He sighed, running his hands down and through my hair.

"Maybe one day when you're not feeling good all you'll need to do is come home." I said softly, looking him in the eyes.

This elicited a wide smile to appear on his face, "Can I just marry you now?" He joked.

I laughed, "Maybe one day, lets just enjoy what we have now."

With this said, he sealed everything we said with a sweet kiss. His hands rubbing up and down my back, sometimes past my butt and grabbing my thigh to wrap it around him more securely.

Jack was what kept me happy. I never expected to fall for him the way I was, I can only hope he'll be in my future.

But then again, you never know what the future holds...

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