Chapter XVIII

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- One Month Later -

"Summer, are you ready yet?" I shouted from my room, pulling my leather jacket on my body and pushing my hair from out of my jacket.

"Yes!" She said excitedly, running out of her room and to my door-frame. I examined her outfit; black leggings, a long maroon colored sweater, black ugg boots and her black trench coat. I smiled and nodded, satisfied with her outfit selection.

I grabbed my keys and wallet before proceeding out the door, Summer following behind me as we jogged down the stairs.

"Finally!" Alexis exclaimed, "It took the both of you like five years" She complained.

I rolled my eyes, "No one told you to come early, Alexis." I countered.

She rolled her eyes and mimicked me without making any noise, causing Summer to laugh.

I shook my head, tittering softly, "Let's just get going, I know this place is gonna be packed so we gotta get there right when they open, " I lifted my wrist to look at my watch, "which is in thirty minutes."

They both nodded and we quickly walked out the house and to my car, hopping inside and getting ready to drive off.

Alexis suggested we take Summer to the fall festival they were having downtown. They have it every year but I've always been too busy with work to take Summer or even go myself so I couldn't turn it down.

Summer had been bugging me about it since she could talk and she couldn't be any more excited to go. There were rides, games, food, and some musical guests.

Not only was I excited to take Summer to the festival, I was excited to get out the house. For the past month I've been going to work and then home. I haven't left because I always felt like I would run into Jack and I didn't want that to happen.

Yes, I was still pissed off at him and I had every right to be. Jack continued to blow up my phone for weeks until I decided to get my number changed. He's showed up to my house beseeching Alexis to let him see me but she'd tell him I wasn't home, even though I listened from the top of the stairs.

I told Jack from the beginning that I didn't want a drama filled relationship, and the weird part is that we weren't even in a relationship yet drama just seemed to suck us in when we were at our best.

I had confessed that I had feelings for Jack and then the next day, something broke us apart. Anger was not the only feeling I felt, I felt frustrated, irritated, annoyed, hurt and embarrassed. I knew getting in any sort of 'relationship' with someone was not what I needed.

Before I knew it, we had pulled into the parking lot of the festival. Summer squealed and hopped around in her car seat, quickly unbuckling herself. I could help but chuckle at her excitement, she's been waiting for this for as long as she could remember.

Alexis got Summer out her car-seat and I hopped out the car, locking the car and held my hand out for Summer to grab onto.

She rushed towards me and gripped my hand, "I'm so excited!" She squealed, jumping up and down.

Alexis and I both laughed, "I see," I nodded.

We walked over to the booth and bought three tickets. They wrapped orange wristbands around our wrist and told us to have a great time before letting us inside. Summer's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I wanna get on the Ferris wheel, oh! I wanna play that game! Oh what's that? I wanna play that!" Summer pointed around the huge area filled with different things to do.

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