Chapter XLI

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I couldn't cure the boredom taking over me. Jack had left and would be gone for a few hours and I had no friends around here so I was left to entertain myself.

My first thought was to take a walk, but that was instantly pushed aside since I didn't exactly know my way around.

My second thought was to go to the beach, but I didn't wanna go alone and once again, I had no friends around here.

My third and final thought was to go shopping, I mean I was in LA which had some of the hottest stores. I had some money on my credit card, enough to get a few things.

So that's what I decided to do. After looking at myself in the mirror for the third time, playing with my hair and checking out my outfit which consisted of black jeans, long sleeve grey v-neck, black leather jacket and my timberlands, I finally decided to leave.

I grabbed my credit card and iPhone, using the uber app to get a cab. After a few minutes of waiting there, I got a text saying my uber driver had arrived.

Off to explore LA I go, I wish Jack could be with me but I completely understood he had work and I supported him 100%


"Babe?" Jack voice rang through the phone, he sounded happy.

"Hey! what's up?" I said ecstatically

"Nothing, just calling to check up on you. You sound like you're out and about?"

I smiled softly, "That's because I am, I didn't wanna be cooped up in that house anymore so, with the bit of money I had I decided to go treat myself."

"Well that's great! I'm sorry I couldn't be there wi-"

"It's fine, work comes first and I completely support you. I knew what I was getting into when I came here so it's totally fine."

Jack chortled, "Damn, you're amazing you know that?"

I grinned, "So I've been told."

"So what did you get?" He asked.

"Actually, you'll have to wait till you get home. It's a surprise." I smirked, he had no idea.

"Okay," he dragged out, I could tell he was thinking sexual.

"I didn't mean it like that, you hormonal teenager." I teased.

"It's kinda hard to control it when I have a girl as beautiful as you waiting for me back home." I could hear the smirk in his voice

"Smooth, I like it." I raised my eyebrows.

Jack chuckled, "I'll see you in about an hour okay, I'll bring back some takeout?" He said in more of a question.

"Sure, that sounds great."

"What do you want?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter, whatever you bring will be fine."

"Alright, I'll see you soon. Love you"

My heart fluttered and I instantly got butterflies, "Love you too, Jack."


"Sky! I'm home!" Jack shouted, finally after three more hours he was back.

"I'm here too you know!" Johnson

I giggled and fixed my hair, walking out of Jacks room and into the living room where they were.

"Hey ba-woah!" Jack exhaled, taking in my newly ombré hair.

"Do you like it? I was kind of sick of the same colored hair and wanted to, I don't know - spice it up I guess?" I smiled, running my hand through my hair.

Jack was speechless, eyes slightly widen, eyebrows raised and mouth agape. My stomach dropped, I guess he didn't like it.

"Well I don't know about him but I think it looks great, Sky." Johnson broke the silence.

"Thank you, Johnson." I smiled appreciatively.

"No problem, I'm gonna go eat in my room." He smiled, grabbing his food and walking off.

I walked towards Jack, "I'm guessing you don't like it?" I mumbled, pouting slightly.

"What? No, I love it. You look, stunning." He finally said.

I exhaled a sigh of relief, "Good because I don't know what I'd do if you didn't. Like I literally don't know because they bleached my hair so I can't just jump back into my dark brown hair." I explained.

Jack chuckled at my rambling, "Come here," he muttered, grabbing my waist and pulling me into him.

He held my chin, tilting my head up and kissing me. Honestly, I missed his lips. I know it's only been a couple hours but like I've said previously, his lips were like drugs and I was addicted.

I felt Jack smile in the kiss, causing me to smile and then we both erupted in a little laugh.

"What?" Jack asked, pulling away slowly.

I shrugged, "I don't know,"

"Are you high?" He joked, poking my sides.

I chortled, raising my eyebrows and walking towards the food, "I wish,"

"You look so sexy in that outfit," Jack changed the subject.

I looked down at my clothes, chewing on my a piece of chicken, "Big sweatpants, a black v-neck and socks is what you call sexy?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

Jack shrugged, grabbing the piece of chicken and bit into it, "It is when you wear it."

"Hey!" I slapped his arm, grabbing another piece of beautiful hot wings.

Jack kissed my cheek, "Let's take this into my room."


"How aren't you tired?" I asked Jack, watching him work on his computer from his desk as I laid on his bed.

"I am actually, I'm exhausted." He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

I swung my legs off the bed and stood up, walking over to him and wrapped my arms around him, "Come lay down, you can work on this in the morning. Don't you have free time until like 2?" I leaned my head against his cheek.

He nodded, "Yeah but I was gonna take that time to spend it with you."

I kissed his cheek, "I have four more days here in LA, I'm sure you'll have some free time before then. Now come to bed, I'll even rub your back." I began to massage his shoulders.

Jack moaned slightly, tilting his head and closing his eyes, "Alright," he saved his work and closed his computer, "you win."

He stood up from his chair and wrapped his arms around my waist, pecking my lips before walking us to the bed. I instructed him to take off his shirt, lay on his stomach and relax which he completely complied.

I grabbed a little lotion from my bag and then sat on his butt. I squirted some lotion in my hand and began to massage his back slowly.

Occasional moans would leave Jacks lips, making me smile or smirk. After about thirty minutes of rubbing his back, he told me I could stop.

I laid down beside him and exhaled deeply. Jack turned towards me and wrapped his arm around my stomach. He moved closer to me, resting his head on my chest as I played with his hair.

"Shouldn't this be vice versa?" I teased.

Jack chuckled, "Possibly but I'm much too comfortable to switch."

I smiled, leaning my head on his, "I really appreciate you being here, Sky. It's gonna be hard as hell to watch you leave."

I sighed and nodded, "I know, it's gonna suck. I'm really gonna miss you - miss this."

Jack looked up at me, "Let's not think about it alright? Let's just embrace the moment while we have it, agreed?"

"Agreed" I nodded, smiling as he kissed me.

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