Part 1

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I never knew my mother my dad left her and her ways of drinking, sleeping around and drug abuse when I was very young. The only person I had ever had was my dad but he wanted me to have everything I ever wanted so he worked and worked so we had money. The only thing I wanted was a loving family, the one thing I didn't have. That's why I turned to music and asked my dad to allow me to have music lessons so he did. It was a quite late Sunday morning and I was running my fingers over the ivory keys of our grand piano that sat it our foyer. The brochure for my new private school I was to attend was placed on top. I herd the front door open and turned to see Rose our head house keep come in with her hand full of shopping I went over to help her.

"Oh thank you y/n" she as I helped place the bags on the dark grey marble island counter tops. Rose was a petite woman in her late 50's who never married or had children of her own. Her red hair was down to her back and was slowly going grey. She had vibrant brown eyes. Her face was covered in laughter lines and she was probably the only person in his house that loved me.
"Oh y/n sweetie I bought you your new school uniform is in here." Rose told me in her soft voice passing me a dark blue bag that had the school crest on it. Oh yeah I forgot I had to wear a uniform. I clutched the bag to my chest.

"Thanks Rose I'm good to put this in my room then help you pack the groceries away then help you make a start on lunch and tea. And before you protest I'm bored it will give me something to do." I told Rose before going up to my room. I opened my door into my room that was bathed in different t shades of purple my ceiling was a pale colour of steel lilac where my walls were a lavender colour. My four poster bed covers where deep plumb with sheer white curtains. Across my bed was my desk with my violin case on top of the beach wood and my grey chairman my school bag already packed and placed on for tomorrow I placed my uniform on my bed. I looked to the photo on my bed side table which was of me as a baby and my dad holding me. I missed him, I never saw him anymore I was all alone in this grey, silent world.  I turned my back on the photo and went to help Rose with the food.

*time skip*

I opened my eyes then quickly closed them against the sunlight that was lighting up my room. I mentally cursed myself for forgetting to close them last night. But in my defence my bad was so warm and I was so tired however not tired enough to binge the whole season of Code Geass. I looked over to my alarm clock it was one minute away of going off. Perfect I turned it off and got out of bed I yawned who stretching my arms over my head and cracking my knuckles. If I get ready quickly I might be able to do a quick set of the piano or on my violin. I didn't need to shower as I had one last night. I quickly got changed into my uniform and tired back my h/c h/l into f/hs (favourite hair style i.e bunches, bun, pony tail.) I looked in the mirror to inspect how I looked in the royal blue uniform. To my surprise I honestly didn't look that bad. I grabbed my school bad and violin case. I went downstairs I saw my father's car gone but the family car and our driver Francis waiting to take me to school I sent a text to Rose asking her to tell Francis that I was going to walk to school which he will hate. I unlocked the back door and started to walk to school it would help we calm and nerves and hopefully I would look normal. The school wasn't that far away it made no sense to drive there and it was a present day so far I bit my lip a bad habit I had. I saw the school on the horizon and paused it was huge it was the first school I had ever been to well at least that I remember I was telenovela out of school at about Ten and started to be homeschooled. How many students went to this school if it was these big it must be millions I saw a few kids in my uniforms give me a few strange looks I must of had a panic stricken look on my face. I forced a small smile of my face and walked up the school gates trying to keep my panic inside.

"Clam down y/n" it will be fine I said under my breath as I walked into the school and then looked for the main offices so I could get my rota, locker number and combo and ask about any music clubs. I bit my lip again looking left and right. Bingo I saw a sigh that pointed me to the main offices just down the hallway.

(A/n it's here book 2 of the bring colour to my World Series. I hope you enjoy it)

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