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~Hey, it's the writer here, just want to thank you for checking out my first ever story (that I've actually written down), just a few notes: English is my second language, so typos and odd ways of phrasing things is to be expected (also I'm terrible at keeping consistent tense, so if that changes from sentence to sentence I'm very sorry). This is also my first story I've written and consistency might be off. I'll try my best to keep it comprehensible though! Now onto the Prologue!~

Somewhere on Earth, near a viewing platform over a ravine
Main Characters POV 

"Whoaa~ it's so cool here this early! The sun hasn't even risen properly here yet!" I exclaimed as I undid the buckle on my seat-belt. 

"I hear the sunrise around here is unlike anywhere else. Makes me glad we managed to get here before anyone else, we might not have gotten a good look at it." My dad informed. 

The reason for the early visit wasn't only to see the sunrise, it was also to celebrate my complete recovery from a surgery I had a few months ago. I opened the car door and ran over to the viewing platform. It was made of wood with a steel scaffolding underneath to secure it to the cliff edge. 

The entire thing creaked as I ran to the railing and leaned against it. Dad and mom were just getting out of the car, mom looking worried at the noises the platform was making. 

I felt the entire platform shift underneath me as I tried to step towards the safety of solid ground. Then, with a groaning noise of metal, wood and rock shifting and giving way, the platform shuddered and fell from the fastenings holding it to the wall of the ravine. With me still on it, the entire thing, along with rocks and sediment loosened from the wall plummeted into the ravine.

I wake with a start, what a terrible dream! I look around, confused. My room wasn't a wast expanse of white with a single platform in the middle. So it wasn't a dream, I really fell to my death, and now I'm in the afterlife? I try moving, no response from any limbs. I can only look around, so that's what I do. I turn around and would of shouted in surprise if I still had vocal cords.

Behind me stands, uh, God? I think so anyway. I can't really determine a gender on the humanoid standing before me, it seems to subtly shift and change between feminine, masculine and androgynous at all times. 

"Welcome to limbo, where Souls stay before returning to the Cycle of Life and Death" the figure says. Even their voice shifts and sways between pitch and tone. It's not unpleasant to listen to, but certainly alien to me. 

"You must be shocked and scared at your current situation. Let me explain your current state of being." as God(?) says this, the platform shimmers and becomes translucent, like a window covered in rain. It seems to be displaying a top down view of the place where I died, but it's later in the day, and there are police cars and a helicopter near the parking lot next to the toilets by the viewing platform.  

"I trust you've thought about, maybe even philosophized about the conundrum of sacrificing one life for many, or many lives for one? This is an issue the Divine are faced with at all times. Unfortunately, we're usually forced to pick the "one for many" option." God sighs before continuing.

"This is where your death comes in. You arrived before anyone else to the viewing platform, which due to negligence on the part of the State was ready to crumble and fall any time. Either by a single young woman running onto it, or by a large gathering of tourists walking on it. It just so happens that a large group of tourists was scheduled to visit the ravine an hour or so after your arrival. By having you die from causing the platform to fall, We saved the lives of seventy-five others."

God pauses and looks me over. I'm fairly sure I currently don't possess a face to emote with, but if I had it would be showing silent contemplation of the choices the God/s have to make on a regular basis. I understand the greater good aspect of it. And I suppose if I was in the same situation I'd agree that the best solution would be for me to die so that seventy-five others could live.

But... I just hope that whoever is responsible for the negligence is found and that they work to prevent something like this from happening again. As if God sensed my thoughts, they inform me: "Don't worry, the culprits will be held accountable and your parents will be key in signing in more rigid safety inspections upon places such as the viewing platform you died at."

I look down onto the scene below me, a coroners car has arrived to pick up my body. I'm glad it was wrapped in a body bag, I'm fairly sure I'd completely lose my shit if I saw my own mangled corpse being loaded into the back of a car. The platform then shifts again, back to solid looking marble.

I look back up at God with a question in my heart; What now?

"An excellent question. We employ a reward program for those unfortunate souls that are chosen as "Divine Sacrifices". Simply put, We send your soul to a different universe for one Cycle of Reincarnation, where you will keep your memories and knowledge of the World you originate from, in addition to getting a body with above average potential. Once you die, you re-enter the Cycle of Life and Death in your original World." God smiles "Think of it as a vacation."

My mind immediately starts to swirl with thoughts of the possibilities; I could become a dragon, or a hero! Maybe even a powerful villain?! 

Seemingly sensing my excitement, God clarifies: "Due to the Laws of the Divine, We're prohibited from giving you a choice in what you reincarnate as. All we can do is feed your Soul into the Cycle of Life and Death in that universe, and hope you don't get something lame like "bacteria" or "starfish". What we can do however, is rig the genetics of your new body to give it above average potential, and an innate knowledge of the World you've been born into." 

My excitement dies down somewhat. So wait, the great Divine cannot rig the reincarnation lottery, but the genetic lottery is just fine? 
"How else would we get our chosen heroes and prophets if We couldn't ensure their bodies would hold up to the stresses of such a destiny?"

Fair point... Ugh fine, let's get this over with, but I'm sure it cant be that bad, what is the worst I can reincarnate into?

Reincarnated as a random race, of course I got goblin.Where stories live. Discover now