4. Thinking of you

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Scott and Mary Miller had gotten the message from Sam on the machine. She simply said "hey mom and dad it's me. I've gone away for a bit, I'm fine. See you soon. Love you" they were baffled to say the least. Full of questions, naturally.

Mary started to cry. "Wh..why would she ju..just run off like that Sco..Scott?"

Scott took his wife into his arms "I don't know honey, I heard the same thing as you"

"I miss her already, it's only been a day. There's so much trouble and bad things and people out there"

"I know, we just have to be strong for her. We have taught her well. We will pray she's safe"

"Oh, we should tell Niall too, he cares for her so much"

"Yes dear, I'll call him"

Scott went to call Niall right away. Getting him on the phone he said "Niall, I've sad news. Sam has took off in the night, no, we don't know where she is son. She only said she would see us soon on a message she left with a call"  needless to say this upset the young boy, that cared for Sam with his entirety.

What will they do? They cannot track her down, even if possible, she's moved from where that call was made.

Scott says "I'm going to check the bus station, perhaps they know about how far she went" he took off to the car, heading to the local bus station.

Reaching the bus station, Scott asks the attendant if he remembered Sam coming in to leave in the previous nights? He said no, he hadn't seen her. So what had she done? How did she leave? Had she planned this for some time? Did they really even know their daughter?

The Millers could only hope she would be safe wherever she had went off to, and that she would return as she had said she would.

Least they could try was to call her, so at this point when Scott returned, Niall was now at their home as well. So between the three of them they tried to call Sam.

Scott tried three times, with no answer.

Mary also tried twice more, with no answer.

Niall decided he'd give it a shot. Yet with another three calls, still no answer.

So they each called once more each leaving a message for her.

Scott saying "Sam, I love you, I'm not sure what brought this on, but please be safe. You are wanted here at home"

Mary simply saying "Samantha please come home baby, I love and miss you"

Niall was more direct, I guess "Sam I care more than you'll ever know, please come home"

Just so you know this is kinda who I picture as Sam's parents

Just so you know this is kinda who I picture as Sam's parents

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William Levy as
Scott Miller

William Levy as Scott Miller

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Mariska Hargitay as.             Mary Miller

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