32. Confrontation

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As I sit here thinking and awaiting for Sam's arrival it dawns on me that she left fairly early this morning and she should have been getting back by now. Where can she be?

I thought maybe since she said she'd be taking Sky to her parents house I would just go there and meet up with her. 

I got out of the house and decided to just walk to Mary and Scott's since they're not that far.

What I didn't know was when I'd gotten there was that Scott was just as clueless as to where they might be right about now as I was.

It seems as  though Sam had simply changed her mind between our place and her parents and asked her mom to go with her.  Normally I wouldn't have a problem with any of this, but her changing numbers and now nobody actually knows where they're at, kinda worries me. I mean Anna is not the most sane person.

Being the situation at hand. I decided to take a chance and told Scott about some of the things that's going on. I told him of the girl that I once knew and that she'd contacted me. What I couldn't tell him, since I,  myself have no idea yet, was if she too was related to Ellie or is near us.

However Scott said, "Harry, I know you love Sam. How can I help?"

"Would you mind taking me by the gym? Mindy is Ellie's sister and she got a job there"

"Is that the same girl that wanted you that day, saying she needed to move on?" Scott asked

"Uh, yeah it is but I never thought of her in that way Scott. I swear, it's only ever been Sam for me."

"I'll take you. Let me just leave a note for the girls real quick to stay here and I'll be right back"

Getting to the gym I wasn't ready for what I was about to see.

Mindy was standing there arm around a guy, while that normally would not bother me, it was who that guy was that did. No other than Alex, the woman beater/rapist brother of none other than Anna. I knew if he was there she wasn't far off.

Mindy greeted me. "Hey Harry nice to see you"

"Mindy, how've you been? It's been a while"

"Yeah, busy you know work and I got a boyfriend now"

"Oh, nice you deserve to be treated good" I look down "so have you talked to Sam lately, I bet she'd like to hear from you"

"No, no she's too busy to talk to me" she giggles

"Why would you think that? The two of you are or were best of friends. What has happened that you wouldn't want to be still?"

"You" is all she says

"Me? What's that about Mindy? Can I maybe talk to you alone?"

"Oh yeah, sure. What's up?" She walks with me outside the door.

"Mindy, do you know Anna? Like is she related to you like Brad? How do you know Alex? Mindy he's not a good guy"

"Harry, she chuckled, you feeling alright? Anna is a friend of Ellie's. Alex is well he's none of your damn business to be honest. You say he's not a good guy but who are you to say who's good for me?"

"I'm nobody to you, you're right about that Mindy. I just thought you told Sam you still wanted to be friends with her and to see Sky, was I wrong on that as well? Are you perhaps part of their whole shenanigans? If you are, I'm telling you now it's not going to end well for them. Sam and I will survive just fine and if Ellie goes down as well so be it. It won't be the first time Anna has used someone to try getting what she wants"

With that I walked away.


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