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It was early Monday morning  Scott and I had gotten up, got a bite to eat as we were getting ready to leave to head back. I looked at my phone and I had three text messages from Sam. That's not what concerned me it was the hour they were sent and the content of them.

It really doesn't add up. What has happened in the last few days of Scott and I coming here to move here parents things?

What does she even mean, tell her why. Why, what?

What does she think I've done, that she's hurting so bad?

I try to call her, but I'm getting no answer. It occurs to me that she is possibly asleep or getting ready for work. I let it go for now.

We get on the road but I just can't get it out of my head. I've got a nagging feeling that something is wrong.

I really need to find out what those messages are about as soon as we return. I'd never do anything to hurt her. She's my everything, my world as is our daughter and I want to marry her.

Scott and I don't talk a lot on the way back and it's really driving me a bit crazy with the quietness around us.

Eventually we are arriving at Scott and Mary's place and something still seems off. Sam's car is not here, which I thought odd as she should be getting Sky about now. She isn't.

I say "Mary, sorry but has Sam called to be late today?"

She shakes her head, looking down "no Harry. I haven't seen her today"

I was in shock, what the hell?
"B..but didn't she bring Sky down this morning?" I asked

Again she shook her head. "No, she asked if I'd keep her last night. I just thought she wanted a night to herself"

"Oh my God, I've gotta get home. I gotta see if she's there and she's ok"

I ran out of thd house and down the street. I'm losing my mind. I don't know what I'd do if something has happened to her.

I got to the door, took a deep breath, opened the door to my beautiful girlfriend sitting on the couch with the saddest face I've ever witnessed. It literally broke my heart.



Again I call her name, "Sam"

She turns to me, tear stains on her face. "What, Harry?"

"Sam, baby wh..

She cuts me off "don't you baby me. You really think you can come into MY house, then cheat on me. Get close with my dad to try to take MY daughter to YOU'RE  new fuck Harry? Huh do you? I'm her mom and YOU will not take her and have any others be that to her do you understand me?"

"I would never. I have never cheated on you Sam. You are my world, my everything you and Skylar. What's going on?"

She put her hand up to me. "Save it Harry, I got messsges and I've seen pictures. You don't really think I didn't go to work on accident or do you?"

"Sam, I've been closer with your dad, well... because I asked him for your hand baby. I want to marry you. I thought you might like your parents nearby for both you and Skylar and I was kinda hoping we might have another baby but only if you wanted of course. I'd never force you to do anything"

"You really are too much Harry. I just literally told you I received messages and pictures of you with another woman and you come off with this"

I stepped closer to Sam. "Please enlighten me, who sent these messages and when would I have time to do such things? Not that it's crossed my mind or I want to mind you"

"I don't know" is all she says

"OK well it's not true. I've never. Nor would I ever. You're the only person in the world that I want and that I love with everything I am and everything in me"

I turned to head back to the door. "I'm going to get OUR daughter. Would you perhaps like to join me since neither she nor your mom have seen you since yesterday apparently. Mary looked worried Sam"

"Let me wash my face and yes I'll go get my daughter. I shouldn't have worried my mom. I should know better. It'll be harder now with a child but I'm on my own regardless. Give me a minute"

I just don't get her. Id never leave her on her own to raise our daughter. I love her so much, she made me want to do better, I really thought we were doing something great...together. Our little family and her parents accept me, it feels amazing.

When she returns she then says "and Harry I won't take Sky from you, but know this I won't allow your flings in here" she motions around "I also won't allow another woman to be my daughter's mother" she looks down " you can stay here just know that I really loved you more than you'll ever know Harry. I should've listened when you told me you were bad, it's maybe the only time you were honest with me"

Walking to the door she then asks "ready"

With all that it's like she totally disregarded me and everything I have said. I'm totally blown away she said loved, past tense so in the last couple days does she really no longer love me?

I'm standing here and she's all I want and love. Damn it this hurts. I gotta find out exactly who did this to her somehow fix this.


What do you think? Does Sam really not love Harry anymore?

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