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I can't believe she's just gone. I've went in early in hopes to see my Sam for the last week, but she's not been there, not one single day. I have no clue what's going on.

I've left her to her time, as her friend, Mindy had suggested, but it's been hell. I need to talk to her. I need to see her. I miss her, I love her so much.

I know it's only been a week, but at the same time, it's been a whole week. We've not been apart this long since I've been blessed with her entering my life and making it so much better. I can't stop thinking about her, I wonder if she ever thinks about me.

Today as I go to work, I'm going to take that step and ask if Cindy may know if she's ok. Entering the restaurant I slowly glance around, yet again my hope knocked to the floor when Sam's not here, I head to Cindy's office when I bump into someone. "Sorry" I mumble. When I look up it's no other than Ellie, shit, not her. "Oh, uh Harry it's fine" she says with a sly kinda grin on her face. I hate thinking of her doing this on purpose. Having me to lose all that made me happy, makes my skin crawl. Once I got to Cindy's office, I knocked and she opened the door. "Harry, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, uh Cindy...do you know if Sam is ok? Has she been coming to work?"

She looked at me in surprise. "Harry, you didn't know, she uh..she quit. Don't the two of you comm..." she had a strange look "Oh my god, were you the reason?"

"Sorry? Reason for what? Her quiting, I've no clue what you're insinuating, but .."

"No, Harry, she hasn't been here since a week ago. I actually have to contact her to get her, her last paycheck. Do you know how I might do that?"

"No, sorry I don't she left with a friend. Perhaps Ellie might know, they were yelling at one another. Her name is Mindy"

Cindy just shook her head. "Where was this Harry?"

"The apartment, a week ago, why?"

"This tells so much then"

"What's that even mean Cindy?"

"Have a seat Harry" she shut the door. "You see, Ellie and Mindy are both my daughters. As you have seen, they're very different from one another. Ellie, well she kinda likes trouble. While Mindy is very much self sufficient in many ways and can handle herself, never gave me any troubles"

"I see, but it doesn't mean she needs you or your love any less, you do realize this right? Just because she can do it, doesn't mean she wouldn't like help time to time or appreciate it. I'm sorry if I'm overstepping by saying as much, but she really came across as someone that had been hurt"

I thanked her for sharing with me "do you mind if I take the night off? This has been a lot. Do you know where I might find her then?"

Cindy then told me where she knew of they danced. Asking me to take Sam's last check as I left to her. I took it.

Heading to the dance club, my heart pounded in my chest. I put my hair in a band on my head, wearing shades and stepping inside with hoodie up to try to disguise as best as I could. Stepping to the bar, I asked "is Mindy or Sam here tonight?" The guy looked at me in thought, then said "oh, you mean Candy and Tiny?" then chuckled. "Come with me" I followed him through a curtain, and there they were, laughing and chatting with one another without a care. Then the guy John brought me in, and they stopped, complete silent, Mindy stood up staring at me and stated "what the hell are you doing here?" I raised my hands in a surrendering way, "I just want to talk, and I brought this" sitting down the check in an envelope, on the stand. "I talked to your mom Mindy and I have more of an idea now, I don't agree, but I might understand a bit, does she know?" I pointed to Sam. She just shook her head. Great, this is going to get bad now too, just my luck.

I turned to Sam "Sam, can we at least talk, not here, but I really need to talk to you"

"Ok, tomorrow at noon. I'm not sure where though, I'm not going back there with your toy"

"She's not, but uh, what about brunch I'll pay at Tony's Diner?"

"Yeah, ok I'll be there. Don't make me regret it Harry. Don't you dare bring her"

"It will just be the two of us Sam, thank you" I kissed her cheek and left from the back, but decided to stay for the show.

I found a swat in the back of the room, ordered a drink and waited. I was eager to see just how hot my Sam would be on that stage. I couldn't help myself but wonder at the same time, if her job was really safe. I'd definitely find out now, wouldn't I?

She was announced as Candy, even though I already knew she was sweet, in so many ways. Then they also announced another, none other than Tiny. It made my heart swell that they did dances together to comfort one another. They were truly amazing. She hid the fact she was pregnant from prying eyes.

At the end of their routine, they announced to many a saddened, I'm sure reoccurring attendees, that their precious Candy would not be dancing for a while. This was going to be her last dance for a while.

I didn't know how to think of that. If she's not going to be working at neither job, what's she going to be doing? Was she leaving? I hoped not, not without telling me anything.

I kept an open mind as I was looking forward to talking to Sam, telling her how I feel. How much I want her and our baby to come back home.

I made my way home alone again, but with a slight bit of hope within me that at least I'd get to see my Sam tomorrow and talk with her. Thinking about this, I decided that with things that have happened as of lately, I wanted to write down just how everything I want her to know. If anything should happen, any interruptions, she will have my words to read over and know it's truly from my heart.


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