21. New Year, New Things

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I waited, what seamed like forever, but in reality was more like maybe an hour. I was pacing the floor. The young woman from the desk had brought me coffee to try and calm my nerves also telling me everything was going good. She had told me as soon as Sam was put into a room and they'd gotten her settled, they'd come get me. I knew they would, I was just very on edge and needed to see her with my own eyes to know for my self she was ok.

As promised the doctor came out getting me. She had said "now Harry, you may come to Samantha's room, but she's groggy and will be sleeping on and off. Please do not try to keep her awake, as she will need her sleep for strength. When she's awake, she may not remember what brought her here, that is not a big deal. If you need assistance in letting her know things, have us paged"

I nodded to everything. "Ok, I'll do that, thank you, I just need to be with her. Oh, and the baby, what do we have? And is it ok, healthy?"

"Oh, uhm, I'm sorry Mr. Styles we couldn't save the little boy, but the little girl is as healthy as can be. Congratulations, on the little girl, but sorry for the boy, maybe next time?"

I hugged her for the second time that day. "I'm pretty sure we only thought there was one to start with, so thank you. Maybe we don't have to tell Sam she lost one at all, it would kill her"

"Harry, I think she should know, in case there's ever any troubles, she would need to know this for history"

I teared up at the thought, remembering what her dad had told me. "Yeah, you're right"

I sat at the side of Sam's bed, looking at her. Her face had a few scratches and swollen a bit, but she was still her beautiful self to me.

My mind started to wonder. Did she know she had two babies in there? Surely she would've told me, wouldn't she? I mean she never hinted that we needed another crib at all.

Shortly into my thoughts though Sam started to groan, as if in pain. Which I'm sure she was. I didn't know any of the details of the accident, but that it caused her to go into labor, and Mindy had to have surgery. Sam started to grumble things I didn't understand. Sounding much like "Don't take my baby"

I then said "sam, baby, nobody is taking our baby"


"Yes, Sam it's me are you in pain?"

"It hurts so bad Harry, what happened? Where am I? Where's Mindy?"

"Baby, you're in the hospital, let me call the nurse. Everything is going to be fine, ok"
I pressed to call for the nurse.

The nurse quickly arrived. I told her I wanted the doctor and that Sam was in pain. She left quickly nodding. Within ten minutes the doctor came to the room. "Hello Ms. Miller" she said

"Hi" was all Sam said

"So, you've had some trauma. We had to take the baby early. Were you aware you were pregnant with twins?"

"Uhh, no, just one. Where's my baby?" Sam's voice now sounding a bit panicked.

"Calm down Sam, you were pregnant with twins, unfortunately we couldn't save the little boy, but your daughter is very healthy. The vehicle you were in took quite a hit"

Sam started crying at this point. "Wh..where's Mindy?"

"Your friend will be just fine. She had surgery. She broke her ankle and left arm, likely from the rolling. She's a bit bruised up, but nothing that won't heal. The two of you must have somebody looking out for you, it could've been so much worse. That car is totaled"

I covered my mouth "thank god"

The doctor then said "I'm going to give you something for the pain, I need you to rest. Harry here is a very good man, he's a keeper. I'm pretty sure he's not going anywhere, you can rest he'll be right here"

"You got that right. Only place I might go is to check on Mindy, baby, that's it, I promise"

"We'll bring the baby right in here for you" the doctor stated.

I had stayed the remainder of the day and night.

The nurses coming in checking periodically. Then the one had asked, "what's the little ones name?"

I just froze. I didn't know what to say. Sam and I hadn't really decided on a name, but our precious little girl was here, had been for a few hours now, yet she still had no name. I cleared my throat, and said, "uh, I'm not really sure yet, her mom has been pretty much out, and she's early. We also didn't know that she was going to be a she, until she was actually here. I really need to talk with her first" I pointed to Sam.

"Oh, I fully understand, sir"

"Oh, please, call me Harry"

"Ok then, Harry. When Sam wakes or in the morning we should get her up and moving around, and get her into the shower possibly too. We don't want those muscles to stiffen on her" pointing to her stomach.

"Sure thing, and we will get a name worked out as well"

Sam had woke around 5ish I'm guessing, with little grunts of discomfort.

"Harry, are you here?"

"Yes, baby right here. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a bit sore. Can you come where I can see you, please?"

"Sure, and baby you're going to be sore, you had a baby"

"No, Harry, I..it's not time"

I held her hand "it's ok baby, do you remember, you were in an accident? They had to do a C section. The baby is healthy though. We just have one thing....we need to name her"

"Oh, yeah that would be a good thing right?" She chuckled "oh that hurt"

"Oh and Sam, they are going to have you getting up in the next few hours, just so you know. So your belly don't start to stiffen from not stretching with movement"

Sam just grunted, but wouldn't fight as she knew this was true.

"So, names" she said "Styles for sure then?"

"I'm more than hoping so baby, but what about first or middle?"

"Hmmm, what do you thing of Skylar Marie Styles?"

"I love it baby"

"Really? You like it? If that's what we call her, we can't just change it"

"Yes, I really love it Sam. I wouldn't just say that about out child here" I kissed her. I love you so much.

"Ok, so we have our baby girl a name then. She looks so small Harry"

"That's only because she was one of two remember? She's been checked, and she's all good. Healthy, she weighed 4 lbs 8 ozs. the doc said it was a fair weight.


Splitting a bit as it's getting long.

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