19. Staying Over

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I've been to the doctor. They've said I'm now at roughly 5 1/2 months. I've talked with Harry here and there. He's been here at my new place, helped pick out some things for the baby. He put the furniture together, all in all he's been pretty helpful when I asked him to do anything. I have to admit I miss him, but I can't just go back to like we were. He never fails to tell me how much he misses me and that he loves me.

I've come to know through Mindy that Ellie is her sister. They have never really gotten along, because their mom seems to be on a constant of picking up after Ellie. She is one for the trouble scene. I wish I'd known that sooner, but I found that out the hard way. Mindy left home young and has been on her own since. I know she's strong, but I'm not sure if it was by choice or forced per say.

Which brings my thoughts back to Harry. He's asked me on many times in the last three months now of being apart, if we can get back together? I've been thinking that if all Mindy has told me is true of her sister. Harry has also told me he'd never do as much, was I just going too far with everything? He's truly innocent in this? Yet I can't go into that apartment without seeing her all over it. Besides if we get back together, we need more than one bedroom with the baby.

Which leads me to here and now. The place I've gotten has four bedrooms, two baths and a garage with a fenced in yard with option to buy. Harry and I have talked about it and I told him that since we didn't exactly start out in a good way, maybe we can try that. So we've been on a handful of dates. All has been going rea)y good.

Harry has told me he no longer is working at the billiards place, he wasn't liking the rumors they would spread there, as well he didn't like being around all the alcohol. So he now is working at a place with a garage, something he likes to do. Regular hours during the day and his weekends off. Me, on the other hand, I started at the library on weekends for 4 hours on Saturdays. I also work at the local grocery as a checker the week days, they however if needed, will let me sit if feet start to swell to much. So all works out there.

Mindy has remained an amazing friend throughout. She stays over at times just to have movie nights sometimes to talk, relax and just vent. It's a good time, full of laughs and sometimes we cry, but overall just what we need.

Tonight Harry and I are supposed to go out. I'm feeling not quite up to going out, more like staying in. I don't think he'll mind. He'll be here anytime. I'll just ask ...speaking of here he is.

"Hey Harry"

"Sam, were we not going out today?"

"Yes, but...I'm kinda not feeling like going out..."

"Oh" he looks sad, shit

"No, what I mean is, if you want we can just stay in. I'm not cancelling on you...unless you don't "

"Oh, yeah, that'll be fine. What would you like baby?"

"Ummm, is pizza with pineapples ok? And we can watch movies?"

"Yeah, anything for you, you know that" he kissed my forehead

"Oh and cheese bread please?"

"Of course"

In half an hour the pizza and bread arrived. We sat in the front room to eat turning on a movie with a cover over us. We watched until later into the night, I told Harry "you can stay if you want"

"Are you sure Sam?"

"Yes, I..I've actually been doing a lot of thinking lately and... I really miss you being ...well being with us Harry" I rubbed my belly.

He smiled so big. "I've missed you so so much Sam, you have no idea. Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, yes you can, I'd like that" he kissed me with so much love I could feel it throughout my whole body. "Please stay with me"

"My pleasure baby"


Once I arrived for our date, my stomach dropped, thinking Sam changed her mind about not going out with me again. Then she told me she wanted to stay in. For some reason I just thought this has to be a turning point for the better.

We had pizza, watched movies. That wasn't the most amazing part of my night though, my Sam had asked me to stay. She told me she had missed me. Those words I had hoped to hear for so long, then tonight they were spoken.

I asked if I could kiss her, and she said yes. I was like a giddy teen, but couldn't help it. I love this woman with everything I am and now she permitted me once again to kiss her that I've craved so much, and asked me to stay.
I just hoped this wasn't a dream.

Nope, it was no dream, as that night she asked me to stay with her, we made love once again. The first time in nearly four months. I couldn't ask for more, well other than to be living with her and my baby.

When we woke in the morning, I reached over gently rubbed her cheek. I said "baby"


"What does this mean for us?"

"What do you want it to mean Harry? Does it have to mean anything?"

"Sam, please, look at me"

"What Harry?"

"You know I love you right?"


"So, then you know last night meant everything to me. I want nothing more than to be with you all the time...to live with you full time, forever I need you to tell me where you're mind is now, what you want"

"Harry I want you, us, our family, but not at the cost of losing you again though"

"You won't, you never did,  I've always been right here. I've always been yours baby, nobody else's I promise you that." I kissed her with everything I have for her. "Please Sam,never doubt my love for you"

"I don't doubt you love me Harry. It's just the others that come along that might persuade you at times to venture away even momentarily that worries me" a tear slid down her cheek.

"No, baby no, never. I would never do that to you. You are all I want, all I need"

"I trust you Harry. If you would like then you can move in here when rent is due again at the apartment"

"That's not even a question baby, of course I do. I love you so fucking much, you have no idea. I'm so happy baby. You're going to get so tired of seeing my face I swear" I just kissed her all over her face. "Can I just bring things here bit by bit and maybe stay a day here and there?"

"Hmmm, I don't know" she pretended to look in thought  "I better tell the other guy furst" she laughed.

I put my hand over my heart "that hurt baby"

"Seriously Harry? You may, yes I'd love to see you and your things here"


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