18. The Meet Up

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I both needed and wanted to see and talk with Sam to tell her how much I love her and try to explain what happened, although I'm not truly sure what the actual fuck happened myself. It all happened so fast. One minute I was home alone and couldn't wait for Sam to come back. Then the next all hell broke out and she had come and then left me screaming as she was going saying I cheated and saying I could have her, in that brief amount if time fucking Ellie barged in making herself look as though she lived there. I just didn't get it, what was she up to? The better question I guess, is even why?

All of a sudden it was hitting me, I'm feeling anxious and what am I even going to do if she won't let me explain at all? What if she ...I just can't think she would keep our baby from me and never give me a chance, it'd kill me.

So I'm here now, at Tony's and asked for a quiet place so we could have privacy to talk. I'd told them I was expecting Sam, and to bring her back once she arrived. I was getting more nervous each passing minute, that she would not show, if I was being honest with myself, she's been so ...distant. Then....


"Sam, I'm glad to see you made it. How are you feeling? Here, sit down"

"I told you I'd be here Harry and I'm..."

"You're what Sam?"

"Nothing" she snapped "What do you want to talk about Harry?"

Before getting into much else, the waiter came by to get our order.

I reached for her hand, but she jerked back as if I'd hurt or burn her. "What's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you Sam, I'd never, I love you so much"

"That's actually quite funny Harry, since you already have, hurt me that is. At least with Brad I knew he wouldn't be able to be a one woman kinda guy, and I knew he was abusive and he knew I couldn't say a word because I snuck around, but you" she pointed at me "you promised me you would never do things he did, yet here we are. You just couldn't give me two fucking days could you before you had her in the place we" pointing between the two of us "had together, we were all good and having fun, but you had to go and use the 'L' word and ask me to be your girlfriend, why Harry? Just to bring me down, to prove you could?"

"Sam, please, I didn't 'have' anyone, anywhere. Especially not in our place. The 'L' word as you say, I meant it when I said it, I still do, I love you more than my life Sam. I knew the moment I saw you, that you would change my life for better, and you have. I've never been more happier than when you stepped into my life. I  have done nothing to play any game or bring you down, I just ...no I would never. Sam you seen how I was when you first met me, you brought light into my life, I never want it to leave, I don't want you to leave me" I looked down "honestly Sam if you go and take my baby and your love, I don't have anything to live for"

"Stop, just stop Harry. You'll still have your precious Ellie. I'm sure she will love you just fine"

The waiter returned bringing our food. I thanked him and asked him to please leave us to talk without interruptions.

"Sam, are you not listening? She's not mine, I don't want her. You are all I want. Please"

"I can't do this. All I see is you with her, you on our bed telling her how good she looks,  you kissing her..."

"Hold it right there, where would you get any of that?"

"It's not hard Harry, when I was so happy to come back, but when I do she's what I see on the couch I got, the place I decorated. Yet for the last while you've been trying, mind you unsuccessfully sneaking into bed early morning, you don't touch me, talk to me, hold me. Yet you smell of alcohol and women's perfume, do you know how this made and makes me feel Harry, do you?"

"I wasn't trying to sneak anything baby. I just didn't want to wake you when you had shifts early in the restaurant, I swear, that's all it was"

"I'm sorry Harry, I just can't go back there. I would never keep you from you son/daughter but I've got to think about me, and I've been in a situation of being hurt once and I refuse to do it again"

"I wouldn't blame you Sam, but I'm just not that guy. Please baby, don't leave me, don't give up on us. Do you remember telling me you wouldn't leave me?" I knew I was now grasping, but I had to do something.

"Yes, Harry I do, but that was a year ago and things have changed. I have to think about this baby inside me now as well. Oh and how do you know Mindys mom? Yesterday you said you talked to her mom and you understood something, what did that mean?"

"Sam, uh well first of all that baby is also my baby, I'd like to be part of things. As far as Mindys mom, uh, you know her too. It's not really my place to say, maybe you should talk to her about it"  I didn't want to drop that bomb. "Are you going to stay here though, not leave state, so I can see you, if you will let me please?"

"I am, I will. I need to get some type of job that's light and get a place, ya know kinda restarting yet again" she chuckled "if you might help with building furniture or something that'd help. Things are just going to take time Harry if we can get back, but for now can we be friends?"

"If that's what I can get, I'll take it.  I'll never stop loving you though. If this is what you need though, I'll give it to you, I'd do and give you anything Sam, I love you so much. Never doubt that"

As she went to leave she said "we'll talk" and "this was good, I think we both needed this, thanks Harry, for lunch, the talk, just... everything"

"You're very welcome, anytime baby"

Sam smiled, a real smile and leaned in to give me a hug. It felt so good, but I was kinda sad to, to know she would not come home with me. I knew her reasons and could even understand them. It didn't mean I liked seeing her go any more all the same. I had to hold faith it would all work out though.


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