15. Taking A Coupld Days

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It was a long week at Sam's parents. She didn't seem quite herself, but she hasn't even before we'd went there. Come to think of it...she's had some off days since we had our little break from work together.

I don't even know what came over me in the damn car though, to blurt out to her, after we had found out she was pregnant. I mean I know she wouldn't cheat, so why would I even ask her if it was mine. I knew better.

I instantly felt like an ass, as she was crying, I could tell she was hurt and pissed. Yet I didn't stop there, no, my dumb ass continued on after she told me she would leave once we got back home, by telling her to stop and that she couldn't leave me. As if I can stop her.

I couldn't believe though what came next though, as if she thinks I'm cheating on her, she then stated "you're the one coming in after 2 in the morning, reaking of alcohol and women's perfume" then letting me know she noticed if all. What the hell?

I honestly don't get how she don't see that I'm so in love with her, that it hurts so fucking much to see her leave and go to work and let other men look at her. It kills me.

I wanted a family with her, of course I did, I do, it's just I thought we'd have more time together first.

My mind goes back to the talk her dad had with me when he asked me "young man, what exactly are your intentions with my daughter?" I said "well Mr. Miller I love her with everything in me. I'd love to have a family with her one day, not right away, but one day" he smiled and said "well, that sounds all good, but just know this...she's Mary and I's only child ya see, since we lost our first one in miscarriage and couldn't have any more, so she's our miracle. Treat her right son, or you'll need to tend with me. Most likely the town as well, they all love her" I looked at him and said, "you got my word sir"

I can't lose her, not because of the talk with her father, but I can't because she's truly my world. Now she's giving me a precious gift, like the doctor had told us. I cannot let her go, and not thinking I don't love her, or thinking I would ever cheat on her, because I'd never.

Here we are in the apartment as Sam has made a call to someone, I'm not sure who asking if she can stay with them.

"Sam" I said

"What now Harry? You got more accusations to throw at me before I can leave?"

"No Sam. Can I  just talk to you, please?" I don't want you to go"

"To late, but if you got something to say, then get talking"

I walked over to her, taking her hands in mine "Can we sit please?" We sat down, I said "Sam, baby I'm sorry for what I said. I know you would never do something like that. I love you more than my own life. I've never, nor would I ever cheat on you. I know you called someone, but I really wish you'd stay. Your dad asked my intentions, and I told him honestly, I'd love to have a family with you one day. Baby, I just didn't know that day was already starting, I was seriously just thrown a bit, like he knew something I didn't or something, but I want all of you and that's not going to change" I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Before she could respond at all, there was a knock at the door. I held her hand though, "baby, please"

She got up to answer the door, tears in her eyes. I just hope they're not tears of disappointment or sadness.

I heard voices..."hey babe, are you ok? come here"

I walked to the door to see a blonde hugging my Sam. Sam telling her "I'm ok, give me a few, ok" the blonde nodded.

Sam came over to me, gave me a hug. "Harry" she whispered "I'm going to go to Mindy's for a couple to think. I'm not leaving you, I love you, but I really need this right now. Please understand, I'm not going to work in these couple days either"

"Sam, I love you so much, I'll give you what you need. Please come back to me. We'll get through this, I know we will. Can I at least give you a kiss before you go?"

She let me kiss her, so I gave her all my love in that kiss, and hugged her tightly before watching her go.

The next two days were pure hell. No, I didn't get to see Sam much with our schedules, but at least before she was in the same bed. Now these two days, the bed just was cold and lonely without her in it.


The two days away from Harry have been hard. It's given me time to reflect on many things.

Harry has apologized. I'm sure he's sincere.

Then there's my dad's words "you two really seem good for one another,baby girl" and "does he make you happy?" which I said a solid "yes" to

Then there was mom that had told me "baby, when you find that special love, you'll know. They make you smile on the inside, feel warm and fuzzy before you even see them, but you'll know they're near. You'll have a glow to you and a twinkle in your eye that others will notice and baby I see it when this young man is even mentioned. I'm so happy for you, because I still feel that way about your daddy. It doesn't get any better, hang on tight to a good man Sam, they're hard to find"

Thinking about both what my parents had said, I couldn't ignore it. I loved Harry completely. Then there was the doctor that confirmed that children are indeed a precious gift, which I had known, but I just believe it's a sign, we are meant to be. I mean all couples have an occasional disagreement right?

I knew what I had to do. It wasn't a hard choice anymore, but a few things might have to change.


What may she think needs to change?

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