23. Getting Help

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I'd like to say things are all great. Although the fact of the matter is, well they could be better. I love my amazing girlfriend. I adore my precious new baby girl. There's nothing I wouldn't do to help our amazing friend. Yet all together, on just me, it's getting a bit overwhelming.

We have barely been home a week and I feel like I have not slept a wink. I don't really know how much longer I can go like this, to be honest. It's none of their faults, I chose this, but I think we need some changes, just a bit. I cannot take out on any of them, nor can I put Mindy back to that hospital.

I've got an idea I need to run by Sam. I'm sure she will understand. Here goes nothing...

"Sam, baby, can I talk to you about something, please?"

"Oh, uh, yes of course, what is it?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Well, as you know, we've been home from the hospital now for a week"

She smiles "yes we have"

"Well, it's kinda wearing on me, with uh, well I guess I didn't really know how much it would take ya know, with Mindy and all. Not that I mind, it's just hard. I was thinking about seeing about a nurse coming and helping with the bathing and just general help a few hours. The hospital said it'd  be covered"

"Oh, Harry if you need a break of course. I'm sure it's a lot"

"Sam, baby do you know how much I love you? I'm actually a bit uncomfortable as well, I mean you're the only woman I want to see naked" I looked at her, "baby, you're so understanding"

"I'm happy to hear that Harry, but I trust you both, honestly" she smiled "and Harry, how do you feel about Mindy being Skyler's godmother?"

"I think it's a good idea baby"

I made arrangements for the home nurse to come out. I'd also had them set up to put Mindy as Skyler's god mother.

The next few weeks went by with much less stress for me. Sam healed up and was able to help in sponging up Mindy from time to time. Mindy went back to her appointments and she healed up pretty well also. Sam started back to work part time eventually.

Mindy stayed on living as a live in babysitter for us. She never went back dancing. She took on shopping for others from time to time. Nothing illegal in that. We are planning for July we would take a trip to see Sam's parents once again. This time though with two extra bodies. One being their grand daughter and the other our dear friend and baby sitter. Sam had told them about Skylar, they were surprised to say the least, but happy too. They couldn't wait to meet her.

Things are going very well for us all. Mindy's family have stayed away, we have accepted her as a part of our small family. We are very cautious with who we let near our daughter because of factors that have occurred in all of our lives, but we feel it'll make her safer.

 We are very cautious with who we let near our daughter because of factors that have occurred in all of our lives, but we feel it'll make her safer

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A bit filler to next parts.

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