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Friday came sooner than I was ready for.

I'm pretty sure Sam wasn't ready for the guys to leave early that morning either, but they've been gone now for the past couple days.

For some reason out of the blue, Sam asked if I wanted to keep Skylar over night. Mind you I love spending time with her, it's just that Sam has never really been one to want to be apart from her at night.

She's not exactly been acting like herself as of yesterday and to be honest I'm a bit worried. She's not talking about it and that is what concerns me.

Harry and Scott should be back most likely Monday. It's only a day away, but then we will need to get the things into the house.

I know Sam works hard maybe she just wanted a night off,  ya know to herself, so I kept Skylar.


I couldn't believe the message I'd received yesterday. He sworn to me that he would never cheat on me and then I get a  message saying that "you didn't think he'd be faithful, did you?" Yeah, I did. We have a seven month old daughter for Christ sake. We've been officially together for over a year and a half and around one another for two. He said that he wanted to be together forever. Was all that he said just lies? He did say he was bad.

How can I be so stupid? How could I have trusted him after the Ellie situation? My God, he might've just got interrupted before it got that far. Shit, I'm driving myself crazy.

Before thinking about it much more I decided I'd drive to the store, buy me a cheap bottle of wine and settled in for the night alone.

My mom had Sky, so I knew she was taken care of.

Around about two in the morning it was getting to be too much so me in my inebriated state, and not completely caring about the time....

Harry: please just tell me why?

Harry: what did I do to desevre this hurts so bad 🥺

Harry: why couldn't Sky and I be dnough

Soon after sending the messages I fell asleep. I'd finished off the entire bottle of wine so I ended up on the couch. Not like it matters.

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