14. Back Home

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I didn't know what to expect once getting back to my parents place. I didn't know how they'd take Harry. They knew a bit about him, but not the entirety. I'd filled Harry in on the drive on the do's and don'ts per say with my parents.

We've been here now roughly a week now and I was itching to leave. I needed to get away from the all knowing nothing eyes around here and the many ears that hear everything. Not only that, but Niall seamed to feel a need to put his two cents into everything as well. Until I blew up on him one day and told him "Niall, my life is really not your concern. I like you as a friend, but that's it. I didn't cause any of this and I dare say, I'm allowed to have a life"

I've had talks with my mom. I've also had talks with my dad. They're both very aware of how I feel, that I feel like I'm suffocating in this town anymore. Not that I don't love them, because I do, very much, but I have a life somewhere else, beyond this place now. I've got two jobs, I really like and I need to get back to. That doesn't mean that I can't come back, or that we still won't talk on the phone, because we will.

I've still not felt quite like myself, and I should get checked, but I refuse to do it here, under prying eyes that tell everything they know.

So now that I know my mom is good, and she knows the same of myself, Harry and I are setting off for home. We've both missed yet another week of work, but I didn't mind. It wasn't bad to see my parents, it was just everything else around here.

As we were saying our goodbyes, my dad asked "Sam, baby you've not seen that Brad where you live have you? It was on the news he raped two young girls at a party near there, and has been sent to prison"

"Oh my God, oh, uh no...no I haven't dad" I lied, but I didn't need him to worry. I was so tense all of a sudden. "Well, we're gonna go now, love ya" I had to get out of there before I lost it. I hated lieing to my dad. All I could think is, I'm glad I got away from that damn party when I did.

We got down the road a short distance, just into the second town over and I had to pull over to be sick. Harry held my hair back and asked "Sam, are you ok? You haven't been acting yourself, or the self I know you to be since before we came to your parents"

"I don't know, I've felt off to be honest"

"How bout this, we go to the hospital in this town and you get checked? I understand you not wanting to back there, but ..."

"Ok, Harry I'll do it. Just because I feel that awful"

He kissed my head "thank you baby, I love you, you know that right?"

"Yeah, yeah we'll see" I grumbled "I love you Harry"

I quickly drove to the hospital. Got signed in. It didnt take to long as there wasn't really anyone in there at the moment. They did some blood, and other tests. The doctor came in asking some questions , then said "well Ms. Miller it's nothing that's terminal or anything" he chuckled "you're pregnant" reaching his hand out to shake Harry's, I'm guessing assuming he was the father, which he is.  Saying "congratulations"

Harry's eyes wide as were mine and I was crying now. Harry simply said "thanks"

The doctor then said "I know you're both young, it can be scary, but children are a blessing. Look at the bright side, love one another and your precious gift you've been given"

I nodded,knowing it was true. We didn't do anything to prevent this happening. I said "thank you doctor, are we good to go then?"

"Yes, you are. Have a blessed day"

We left, on our way back home.

Harry took over driving. It was quiet for some time, until Harry spoke up and said....."Sam, is it mine?"

Is he serious right now? I'm not the one that's been coming home after 2 in the morning smelling of alcohol and perfume, and sneaking into bed. I completely lost all resolve. "What the hell are you asking Harry? I haven't been with anyone else" I was fuming, and I was crying. I was thoroughly pissed.

He pulled over on the side of the road. "Sam, stop yelling at me" he looked at me "how do I know you weren't with that Mike?"

I literally snapped. "Are you fucking serious right now Harry? Do you even hear yourself? Not even an hour ago you told me you loved me, now this shit. You know what, just let's get back and I'll move and you don't have to worry about it" I shook my head "and to think, my dad thought we were good for each other, that's a fucking joke"

"Stop it Sam, you're not leaving me,"

"You just fucking watch me Harry. You don't truly love me anyway, if you did, you wouldn't accuse me of such things. Besides you're the one that comes in after 2 in the fucking morning reaking of alcohol and women's perfume, yeah, I notice Harry. Was it worth it now?"

He hit the steering wheel so hard I thought it would break.. "You know what Sam? You do what you want, you believe what you will, but it's not going to change the fact that I'm so fucking in love with you that it hurts, it hurts that we don't get nearly as much time that we used to. It surely isn't going to change the fact that you're pregnant, now is it" he huffed at me, then started to drive again.

I didn't say a word, I just set my head against the window. I wanted to be anywhere else. I heard light sniffles, I knew weren't mine. Why? Why should he be crying, he's the one that basically said I cheated and this baby wasnt his, or at least asked. There shouldn't have even been a question. Yet he didn't deny the fact of what I'd laid out, he couldn't. So was he actually cheating on me? This is what was floating through my head for some time now, but I didn't want to believe it.

I'll just see I'd I can stay with Mindy for a while maybe. She's fun and understanding, I hope it'll work out.

"I thought we had a chance, I thought we were real. I guess I was wrong"


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