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As it's now getting to two months here, it's getting so hard. I'm doing the best I can, but I've come to the conclusion that today I'm going in a bit early just in hopes of talking to Cindy.(the boss) I let Sam know and went ahead.

Arriving at the restaurant, I looked around for Cindy. I found her in her office. Knocking on the door she simply spoke "come in" so I did so. I asked "Cindy, uh can I talk to you about something?" She nodded, looking a bit ...I don't know worried or confused for a moment. "What is it Harry?" I ran my hand through my hair, "I just...I uh..do you maybe know of any other places nearby that might hire me part time?" I asked. Cindy stood up, walking towards me. "Harry, is this your way of saying you don't wish to continue on here?" I shook my head. "Oh gosh no, I just need to separate a bit from, uh Sam" It was silent for a few moments until Cindy then said..."I thought you two were together, ya know and good" I couldn't help but chuckle. I said "it's a long story for a different day, but I love what you've done to help us. I just ...I need something else for part of the time" I looked up "oh and please don't tell Sam I came to you" shaking her head she said "I'll think about it and let ya know Harry" at that I left her office thanking her.

I just got started to work. Lost in thought of what it could do to Sam and I or if she would even care. Me, I just was starting to feel lost in general, I didnt like it. I loved Sam, but I can't be sure where she stands.

About half hour later I'd heard some laughs from outside the kitchen area. I'd looked out to see what or who it was. I was pretty sure I knew who one was, just not who it was with. Sure enough, I was right, I loved her laugh, her smile. I'd know it anywhere. She was laughing with the other waitress, the young girl we first saw coming here, her name is Ellie and came to know is Cindy's daughter. I just found it nice to see my Sam having a good laugh at something. What am I saying, she's not mine, I need to try and see if she will be though, for real. I went back to work.

Finally it was the end of the shift. I approached Sam, asking "do you want to walk together or would you rather not?" She shrugged and said "I was just going to change and head out with Ellie for a little while" I just said "ok, see you later?" More of a question she nodded and left. I felt absolutely hopeless and helpless. After she had gone, I slowly made my own way home...alone. so I guess I'm back to square one yet again.


Ellie and I have connected pretty good. She's so funny. I've never laughed so hard in my life.

She asked if I was busy after work, not thinking it'd be a problem to go out for a little while, I mean I'm young, I'm single. I said no, so here we are going to a party of a friend of hers. Can't be that bad right?

It was pretty loud, music, drinking, dancing. It seamed to begging ok and fun. On a level though it was kinda out of control. The thing was I didn't really care until....

I took Ellie by the arm. "Do you know him?" I pointed to the guy with dark hair and blue eyes. She smiled and nodded her head "yeah that's Bradley, he's my cousin" I shook my head so near a panic attack it was not even funny. I said "I've gotta get out of here NOW" I just took off.

 I said "I've gotta get out of here NOW" I just took off

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               ^^  Bradley ^^

Ellie came up behind me, "Sam, are you ok?" I looked at her in disbelief that she just asked me that. I said "NO Ellie, I'm not. I need to go. Can you please call and tell Harry where we are? Ask him to come get me? I'll just start walking" I turned to go. I heard her talking then she said "he's not coming" I froze. What the hell? "Ellie how far am I from the restaurant?" I asked. "Oh, uh about ten blocks " she pointed the direction. "Ok, I'll see you later" I waved and walked home. I actually had a peaceful walk. It wasn't to bad out, the couple of drinks I'd had, now long gone.

Stepping into the apartment, I was just a bit tired. I went into the bathroom stripped out of my clothes, got into the shower and just stood there. I just thought to myself, what are the fucking chances? I only hope he didn't see me. I really don't need any of his shit. I can't believe how far I've went, yet that place in some way still finds me. I just stood there and started to scream. WHY???
I got out, dried off, pulled on some underwear and a nightshirt. Wrapped up in a cozy blanket and laid in a fetal position in one of the beanbag chairs as I fell off to sleep.


I woke up it was roughly 2 in the morning. It surprised me that Sam was still not in the bed. I didn't think she wouldn't come back, but I guess  I truly have no say in it. I slowly headed to the kitchen to get a drink of water, when I heard a soft cry coming from the living room area. What the hell? I went into the living room, to my surprise, Sam was curled up in a fetal position on one of the beanbag chairs asleep. Why would she do that, and not lay in the bed? Had I done something I'm not aware of? Christ I just cant win here.
I slightly shook her to wake her. "Sam, baby" she grunted "Leave me alone" I shook my head, even though she wasn't looking at me. "No, I can't do that. Why are you sleeping out here?" She then looked up "why do you even care Harry? You didn't want to pick me up" what is she talking about? "Sam, I've no idea what you're talking about" she just blinked fast and said "Harry, when Ellie called, you told her you wouldn't pick me up, so I walked home" I froze, my mouth hung open now.. I reached for Sam "baby, I got no call, I definitely wouldn't have denied getting you, I thought you knew me better than that. Sam I lo..like you so much" why I stopped myself I've no idea. "I never got no call, look" I showed her my phone. Starting to cry Sam said "why would she do that?" I took her hands helping her stand "I don't know, how bout we go to bed and you can stretch out and get some rest yeah?" Nodding she says "sounds good, will you hold me?" "Of course I will, good night Sam"


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