2. Change of plans

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As I think more about the whole idea of Sam, the way she is dressed, her wanting to go to a bar or club. It hits me, I've got no idea how old she is, and technically I'm not old enough to be drinking and I'm really not wanting my last strike to be for a girl I don't know and for no less than alcohol. I think I need to find out a few things here...


"Harry, right? What is it? Are we going to that bar or what?"

I rub my neck, I don't know what it is with her that makes me, I don't know, a bit nervous maybe...no  that can't be it. I can't lay my finger on it, but it's something I haven't felt like before, yet it's not exactly bad either.

I slowly ask her to sit down. "Sam, I need to ask you a few things, but don't mean to be nosey really but I don't know you, nor you me"

"You're right Harry, I can tell you I'm just out to find some fun. I'm tired of rules. So if you are going to lay me out a shit ton of rules I'm gone, I don't need that shit"

"Woah, woah woah. I just kinda need to know how old you are, because I'm not legal for the bar, but I could get someone to bring something here if you really want to drink something. It's just...well I told you I'm not a good person, and if I'm caught around here one more time I'm going away" Sam just looks at me

"Well, I wouldn't want that, I'm almost nineteen. I took off in the night because my family wouldn't let me go if they knew. I know you didn't ask that but I'm letting you know. My parents ever since I was like fifteen wanted me to be with this guy who is a church guy. It's not that I don't care, he's just not for me. I had to get away"

"WOW, that's a lot. Thanks for telling me. So it's maybe just an idea, but maybe call to let your parents know you are ok, so they don't go crazy. I can get someone to bring a drink here and go from there. What do ya say?"

"I guess you're right. They would think the worst not finding me, but I had to get out of there" I hugged Harry "you're a pretty good guy in my eyes Harry"

"Thanks Sam, but with all due respect you've only just met me like a few hours ago"

"That's true but first impressions tell a lot ya know"

Meanwhile I called a guy I knew and asked him to bring me a bottle of vodka and some beer. Sam called what I figured were her parents, it sounded like she may have left a message as she didn't talk long. I guess it was the fact she reached out to them that counted...right.


Soon after the calls were made Harry suggested we eat something before we start to drink, to prevent getting sick from it, which I thought was a good idea.

We ate a sandwich, that I didn't even realize how hungry I'd gotten. I guess I probably should be a bit hungry, I hadn't ate for about eighteen hours now, so it's within reason.

About an hour after eating someone knocked and Harry went outside. He came back in with the alcohol and a smile. "He we go" he sat it down "have you ever drank before?" I just looked at him shaking my head "no, I told you, I was not allowed to do anything" he just looked as if I made it up because he's literally 'done' so much.

"Sam, please just go slow then"

"Oh Harry so caring, aren't you cute"

I did start slow though as it was something new to me. I soon wanted to dance though so I asked Harry if he could play some music. He obliged, I grabbed his hand to pull him up to dance with me. He immediately said "Sam, I don't think this is a good idea"  I just kept on though. Harry then asked "Sam, are you a virgin?" Which threw me off but I just laughed it off as the alcohol was hitting me pretty good by now as I was grinding on him, something I'd never done or thought of in my other state of sober  life. Now I was seeing why he said it wasn't a good idea, but it sure seemed like fun.

Things progressed and the next thing I knew Harry leaned in and kissed me. It felt really nice. Although he stopped himself and apologized saying he needed to go to bed and that it was a mistake, it should have never happened.

What? Was I that bad? Am I that ugly? I should never have came here with him. I need to leave. Once he was asleep, I changed into my jeans and walked to town, I won't stay where I'm not wanted that's for damn sure.

I left my parents in the night. This guy is no different. I thought he was going to be fun, but it looks like I will have to move on in the morning to wherever the next stop might be. No matter where it might be though I guess I'll have to find some kind of job for some money there. This was a short stop, I just wish it was longer. I'll just rest on a bench till morning.

 I'll just rest on a bench till morning

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What do you think of Sam's haste move to leave so quickly?

Do you think Harry will continue to leave the area as well?

How do you think Sam made Harry feel?



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