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It's not been the best. After Ellie had been picked up and then prosecuted it took a lot out of me.

Then today I get this call telling me that Mindy is not in good shape. To be honest it's just kinda killing me internally. No, Mindy and I have never been the closest but no matter she's still my daughter and I love her.

I'm thankful for the call. I'm sure it was Harry. The thing is, after everything that's happened I'm not sure why either of them would care.

I can't do anything for her sitting here thinking about them and her. So I'm going to just go there. Hopefully things won't be quite as bad as previously thought and she might give me a chance to help her.

I turn on the radio for noise on the drive to the hospital. When there's a braking news coming on...please be on the lookout for a man in his early twenties, short brown hair, about five foot eight inches. Please be careful and don't approach him if you see, call authorities he's dangerous.

Just after that message ended, a very strange thing happened. A man very similar to the description ran right in front of my vehicle as I was waiting at a stoplight. I quickly called the police to report my location and this strange running man.

I continued on my way to the hospital to check on Mindy.

Once arriving and checking in to find her room. I almost fell as I gotten into her room and seen her state.

Turning around heading to the nursing station, I felt dizzy. Who would do this to her? Why?

Reaching the desk, I asked "can someone please tell me what the status is on Melinda Adams?"

"Oh. Of course and you are?"

"Her mother, Cindy"

"Well, you might want to have a seat" So I did. "She's not exactly doing very good right now. However, she is young and has very good chances of healing very well. She does have a number of broken ribs,  she was very dehydrated when she was brought in, but we're giving her fluid since she arrived. She had also been very malnutritioned, we've already been doing things for that as well. The last thing that concerns us however is that your daughter is pregnant. The thing is since the malnutrition factor we're not sure yet about the effects on the baby or if it will make it yet"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She was never a big eater, but she didn't starve herself. I shook my head. "This is not good. It's just not something that she'd have done to herself"

"You're absolutely right"

I snapped my head up "what do you mean?"

"We found marks on her that points to her having been in restraints"

"What? Who does something like this? Could it be that young man the police are looking for?"

"Sorry, but if they're looking for someone it could be"

This is just disturbing to me that she would have ever been around someone like that to begin with. When and where had I gone so wrong with my girls?

I asked the nurse to take down my number and please keep me posted on anything that was happening with my daughter. I'd be back soon but I also had a business to take care of.

She agreed and understood. I thanked her. Then was soon on my way. It was just really hard looking at her with no life in her. She's just gotta get better.

Returning to the diner

Today in the mail I'd gotten a letter from the prison. It has to be Ellie.

Dear mother:
     It's me Ellie. I'm sure you'd know that from the fancy envelope haha.

I've been doing some thinking about things since being in here, you don't have anything but time here.

Anyway, I have a few things to say to you. Confess maybe.

First I've been wrong, wrong about many things and the way I've been and handled them.

You know, I really thought Anna was my friend right? Well, it turns out that she never truly was. She was only out to hurt Harry for some reason and got me to help with that by making me feel like she was my friend. How do I know she's not you wonder? She kinda caused some trouble here, then threw me into the middle of the fight while she just looked on and laughed.

Which is why I was thinking about other things that I'd done. You know what I mean?

Cousin Brad had sent me a picture of his girlfriend. Turns out that it was Sam. I had said oh wow she works for mom. He said cool I'll be in town on the weekend can you bring her to the party? So I did, but she freaked out on me and left. I guess he lied. Then he was arrested for rape from that night.

Then I didn't know but as I went to the apartment to take some things there, Sam had been staying with Mindy a few days. I don't know why, but she came back and went off. Everything blew up she told Harry he could have me since he couldn't even wait for two days. She was packing to leave when Mindy came and her and I had words. Sam kicked me out.

Not long after she had completely quit the diner. Harry was coming in early remember? I think maybe he was looking for her.

Anyway this is a lot to put on you. I think maybe I'm the reason they quit and I'm so sorry. They were both very good people and workers.

                                I love you mom.

After reading Ellie's letter it answered some of the questions that I'd had. I just didn't know what got her to do anything like the things she was telling me.

It breaks my heart that she had become this petty with others. No heart or care for them or any outcome that it might have. I must admit I might be the worst person or at least I feel like it right about now.

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