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So things are going better than expected lately.

We've been trying to check in on Mindy by calling the hospital. The nurse had told us that her mother had been in and touched base. She had also left a number to contact her with any updates. She'd be back to check on her but that she looked very rough and rundown.

The updates we've been given is that Mindy is slowly getting better and it looks like she's going on a positive to be able to save her unborn child. We were happy for her if this was something she wanted.

Now for the best things. The kids are doing well.

Sam and I finally got our wedding. Nothing fancy, but her boss was there. As well as mine.

 As well as mine

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(Sam's  Dress)

( Harry’s Suit)

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( Harry’s Suit)

Instead of the bridge though that we had gotten,  officially together on, as well as engaged on we decided to just get married in a small park not far from there. We'd set up a tent for her parents to be more comfortable with the kids underneath. Her boss as well as mine also had plenty of space underneath it as well.

This way both bosses got to see the twins in person and not just in pictures.

We had a small meal at the park. Took some pictures. Mind you we didn't neglect getting pictures of the two of us where it all became official for us. We took the time to drive there, showing her parents the very place I'd asked her to first be my girlfriend. Then once again to become my wife.

Both of them could see why we thought it was such a special place with the beauty that surrounded it, yet also how it could be harder to have an actual wedding in the place.

This didn't stop them from taking many beautiful pictures for us though. It was an amazing day. I couldn't be more happier than in this moment having Sam become my wife. Having our couple friends there to share it with us as well as her parents. We already have three beautiful children.

Now though, it's all been back to work. I still have the weekends off and that's amazing. Sam has since only been working at the store for now, not that she doesn't like it at the library, she just prefers to have more time with the kids and myself. I'm thankful for that, but I'll back her on whatever she chooses to do, always.


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