33. Let's talk

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When I reached my parents house I decided I wanted to spend some time with my daughter even though I needed to get my damn number changed. So I decided to just ask my mom to ride along with me.

I figured once I got the new number we could go to the park. Skylar could play a bit and I could vent to mom and perhaps get her view of things. She has a way of explaining what I need to see.

It took me about half an hour to get everything done with my number and we were on our way. It was still a little early for the park and lunch so we just went for a little country drive.

I took advantage of this opportunity and time to talk about what was on my mind with my mom. I told her the reason for my number change.  I told her I was trying hard to believe that Harry would never cheat on me but that the pictures were not easy to forget nor were the words of the sender.

Mom told me "honey, what do his actions say to you? Do you feel that in your heart and in your soul he's not a good guy? Does he truly love you? If you can say he's bad without a doubt then I'd say get rid if him quickly. However I don't think you can I also think you love him as much as he loves you. With that being said, I can't wait for the next beautiful grand baby you give me. Even though I do hope you marry him"

"Oh mom I love you so much. How can you possibly know how much I needed to hear that? How do you understand about everything I'm going through?"

"Oh Samantha I love you too and I was your age once" she says laughing now.

"Maybe we'll skip the park since I'm a crying mess. What if we pick up lunch for dad and Harry? Sky is in and out witb the driving. I feel better though, thank you mom"

"Sounds good"


Getting to my parents house with the food and stepping inside I heard voices. Immediately recognized that one was Harry and the other my dad. I don't have to go get Harry now since he is already here.

I gently raised my voice to say "we're back, with food"

Harry  came to me "baby, I'm sorry I didn't get up this morning. I'm so happy to see you"

"Harry I didn't run away I went to change the number and mom and I went for a little drive to talk. No biggie"

"Sam,  baby we really gotta talk. I've gotten a few messages last night and after you left. I know who it is and  it's not good. I think maybe we should keep Skylar away from Mindy as well. I went to the gym today and found out she's with a not so good guy, I've known before you"

"Interesting, so did you go to find her or something else Harry?"

"Her, but only to see if this person is related to them. She's not acting like herself or at least  the same as she did when she lived with us"

"Hmm, well thanks for telling me about this"

"Why wouldn't I Sam? We are in this together are we not? I told her today that you and I we will survive just fine. As for the rest of them, it's not going to end well and if she wants to be a part of it then so be it"

"I trust you Harry and I love you"

"Oh thank God you had me worried there for a bit. I love you so very much Sam. I'd never hurt you and I'd do any and everything for you"

After eating we soon said our goodbyes and I  got Skylar together and Harry and I headed to the car. Harry drove us home.

We had a peaceful night for once. No disturbing messages from unknowns to interrupt our family time. Nor our adult fun time after that. All in all it was a pretty pleasant day for a change.


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