22. New Year, New Things pt 2

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Sam was looking a bit drowsy. So I told her, "baby, if you want to sleep a bit longer, you should be good. I'll be right here"

"Thanks Harry, that sounds good. I think I will"

Sam went back to sleep for about an hour and a half. When someone knocked at the door, then opened it bringing in a tray for breakfast. I thanked the gentleman as he left the tray and left.

I gently woke Sam to eat just as the nurse had entered the room. She stated "oh, I see your breakfast has arrived. I'll let you eat, then we'll get you up and moving a bit. Then if you like, we'll get your precious daughter a name on file, then...we will get you to the shower. You will feel a million bucks after that"

Sam just looked at her, listening to her, then just started to laugh..." you really think so huh?"

"That's the plan, Ms. Miller, And as long as everything goes well, and you continue to get up and move around, you can likely go home tomorrow"

"Oh, well that sounds good. I can hurt at home as easily as I can here. So is Skylar doing all good then and can go home as well?"

"Oh, the baby, yes she's doing very well, should be no reason she wouldn't, we can page the doctor to find out for sure though"

"Oh thank you"

"Well, you eat then Sam, I'll page the doctor and we'll get this show on the road" she patted Sam's leg and left.

"That all sounds good, right baby?"

She just made a strange face towards the food they'd brought her. "I'll be glad to eat normal food" she said.

She still picked at the food and ate some of it. "I'll get you something for later, I promise" I told her, and kissed her forehead.

Soon the nurse was back, the doctor with her. The doctor asked, "so, what's our little ones name here?"

I smiled, and said "she's the best birthday present ever"

Sam said "that she was, for you, yours the 1st and hers the 3rd. Oh and doctor, her name is Skylar Marie Styles"

"Oh how lovely. The nurse has said you were asking if she would go home same time as you? The answer, my dear is absolutely, she's doing marvelous"

At that time the nurse asked, "Ms. Miller are we ready to go for that walk now?"

Sam nodded "yes, as ready as I'm going to be"

I was so proud of her. She did her walk. Didn't ask for help in the shower, she's a trooper. Sam did about six more trips fully around the unit throughout the day, besides a few other half trips. I pushed her in a wheelchair and we went to see Mindy. She looked rough, but her doctor said she was healing. He also told us she would need to stay in the hospital for the full time since she lived alone. I looked at Sam, silently saying she could stay with us. She nodded. So I said, "doctor, she could stay with us, she wouldn't be alone. Sam here will be discharged tomorrow if this would work" Mindy just looked at us as did the doctor.

He then asked, "do you have a room on a bottom floor she could occupy? She would need to have help as she'd need to stay mobilized. She can by no means put weight onto that leg and foot for eight weeks"

"Yes sir, we can do that. If you can get the chair, we got the place"

He said she would definitely be ready. So I went that afternoon and traded my car for a minivan. I felt it was worth it, for our family. I brought Sam some food back as well that I knew she'd like. We ate together. We had Skylar on the bed with us. I couldn't believe how much hair she had. She had the cutest lil face.

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