20. Restarting

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I've been back living with Sam now for a full two months full time now. I cannot be more happy really.

It took roughly two weeks to get things completely moved into her place. I didn't want to rush it, even though I couldn't wait to fully be living with her full time again. I could feel she was a bit hesitant about some things, so I gave her that time. I could've easily moved everything over in one or two good trips.

During this time though, we continued to grow. We continued to go out, like we were a completely new couple, I guess in some ways we truly were. I felt it was making us stronger.

So now I've had the chance to watch her grow our child for the last four months in all, and she's grown bigger, yes, but she glows so much and is truly beautiful. Our baby should be here in the next month or so now and I couldn't be happier to have them both in my life. We didn't find out the sex, mainly because it doesn't matter, we're happy to just have a healthy baby.

Mindy has still been coming over once a week for movie night with Sam. I think it's a stress reliever kinda thing or something for them both. They end up eating, laughing, crying and yelling. All in all though they feel better for it all before Mindy heads out the next day.

Mindy and myself have also been painting one of the rooms, creating the nursery for Sam. We kinda take shifts at it while the other has Sam out if the house, away from the paint fumes. Don't get me wrong, Sam has gotten plenty of input on the room. Neither of us would hear the end of it if she didn't, trust me on that.

 Neither of us would hear the end of it if she didn't, trust me on that

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(kinda how the finished room looks)

Speaking however if the duo, they've gone out for lunch. I normally am happy for them getting together. Today though, today I've been getting some weird feelings and cannot place them. We've been so good, it's not a feeling of her leaving or anything like that, I just can't place my finger on it. I just have a weird feeling, like something is ...off.

I need to busy myself. So I just start wiping down the counters, sweeping the floors. Anything that doesn't make much noise really just in case they call.

I start to head up the stairs, to go into the nursery for some reason I'm not even sure of, when my phone rings. Without looking to see who it is, I grab it and answer it...

"Hello, is this Mr. Styles?"

"Uh, yes, it is. Who is this?"

"Well, this is Shayna. I'm calling from Sanford Health, we have..."

"Woah, wait what's going on? You're the hospital right? Is this..Do you have Sam there? Is she ok? Is Mindy there?"

"Sir, please calm down. Yes, this is a medical center as well as hospital. We do have a Samantha Miller brought in, as well as a friend. There's been an accident, can you please come in?"

"Ohmygod yes if course, I'm on my way" I was out the door in a flash. Please let them all be ok.

I drove as fast yet as safely as I could getting there.
Running into the hospital I not meaning to, but yelled "where the hell are they?"
The woman at the desk said "sir, please calm down. Who are you looking for?"

I know I likely looked like a lunatic at this point but I didn't much care. I just needed to see Sam and that both her and our baby were ok, as well as our friend Mindy. I then said " Sam Miller and Mindy the friend brought in with her"

The young woman looked at me as she was almost afraid to answer but said "who are you?"

"I'm Harry, Harry Styles. They um called me"

"Ok sir, just one moment please" it felt like hours.

She came back with Shayna, the woman that called me. Shayna said "come with me" and I did. She said "Mr. Styles, we tried but we couldn't stop the labor, so it looks as though there will be a baby earlier than expected. Everything so far looks good though"

"Sam, I need to see her, and what about Mindy?"

"Sir, mindy is in surgery, but will be ok. Sam is having emergency C section so, I'm sorry but you'll have to wait a bit to see either of them, but both will be fine."

I said "thanks" even though I wouldn't be convinced until I actually seen them. Then said  "and please call me Harry, also once she's out please let me know" I pulled her into a much needed hug, for myself, that she returned, thankfully. I went to wait, not so patiently.


Mindy and I were out having a nice time. Shopping, laughing and had a wonderful lunch.

We were on our way back to the house, listening to music and singing along like any other day, when all of a sudden BAM!!
We were spinning, then flipping on the side. I thought we were going to die. I grabbed for Mindy, but couldn't find her hand anywhere. I yelled  MINDY WE'LL MAKE IT!!  As I held my baby belly tightly. I wasn't sure if I believed it or not, but I was trying. Flashes of Harry went through my mind, as did pictures of him with our child, even though I'd no idea if it was a boy or girl. I know he'll be a great father, he's got so much love for them already. I hope he knows how amazing and wonderful he is. Then we stopped spinning, everything went eerily quiet and everything just went dark. So, so dark, it was black and deafening quiet.

I don't know how long it was dark, but I was not in the same place, it was cold, but dry. I could hear voices, but none I knew. It was very bright, but I couldn't see anyone, yet I could feel them touch me. Oh no, not my baby. Don't take my baby, I tried to talk, but words wouldn't come out.

Where the hell am I? Where's Mindy? Harry, where is he? Does he know? Somebody help me, stop these people. I don't know them, but if anyone is to get my baby it's got to be Harry, only him......and I was out again.


Do you think Sam is dreaming?

Is it her under a drug while having her C section?

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