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It's literally been months since Harry and Sam had been in. I don't know what it was that kept me thinking about them and just things in general once they'd left, but things have changed so much since the day they first walked in here.

They were so happy together. In love and looking for a job and a place to live.

Looking back, they were a couple of the best workers I've ever had. What happened? What went wrong? Had Ellie done something to them back then that I didn't know of?

Sam did mention something about her and her friend stalking and harassing her and Harry. Why on earth would she do that? I thought she liked them and was friends with them.

As I sit here thinking my phone started to ring. I picked it up, "hello"

"Hello, is this Cindy?"

"Yes it is, how can I help you."

"Uh listen, I know I'm the last person you want to hear from, but I'm only calling to let you know some information about Mindy"

"Who is this? What's wrong with her?"

"Like I said, I just called to let you know that she's not in good health. She's in the hospital. She's got some broken ribs, has some malnutrition and dehydration as well as being pregnant on top of these things. It's not known as of now if the baby will make it, but she's in need of someone for support. Just thought you might like to know"

"Th..thank you for that but wait, is this Ha.."

The phone went dead. That was strange.


I hope that Cindy will find it in her heart to at least give Mindy a little attention.

She truly needs some at this point and sadly even though I know Sam would like to be there for her, we just can't risk it with the children. Not that I'd risk her getting anywhere near that ass Alex anyway.

Cindy has the information now and that is all we can do right now. I may sound heartless but I'm truly not. I tried to warn Mindy but she didn't want to hear me and wouldn't listen to me for anything I had to say.

I truly hope that she's going to be ok and heal properly but it's surely not something that she's going to forget.

That entire family is no good. They ruin any and everyone's lives they enter in one way or another. They are just plain toxic all around.

Right now though I'm going to focus on the love of my life and the fact that by next weekend we'll be married. I cannot wait to call her Mrs. Styles.

It's not going to be anything big or fancy, but it will be legal and final. We are slim on friends in the area these days but the fact that her dad will gladly give her to me and her mom loves me as well makes me happy.

She's going to ask her boss if she wants to come. I've  got a couple people that I work with as well and I know it's not a lot, but we don't need many. We just want people wd can truly trust in our lives.

We have each other and our little family and we're a family if love. That's something not all people can honestly say, sadly.

It's getting closer.

I hope that you're liking if so please hit the ☆


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