2. Recording

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Today I got asked to help Meghan Trainor on a couple of her tracks for her EP. I know Lauren isnt going to be happy because well they are about boys.I was currently in the recording booth and we just couldnt stop laughing at each other being idiots so it was hard to concentrate.

"After every fight"

"Just apologize"

And maybe then I'll let you try and rock my body right"

"Even if I was wrong"

"You know Im never wrong"

"Why disagree?"

"Why,why disagree?"

"How was that?" I said through the glass and she smiled putting her thumb up.

"The wifes going to kill me" I mumbled.

"What?" Meghan said.

"I said it sounds so good" I lied.


"That song is about boys Y/N! Your gay" Lauren shouted at me.

"Look babe I know but Meghan needed my help so I thought it would be a good idea, Baby listen to the two tracks and you'll see" I said,handing her my phone. She took it and sat down,listening to the tracks. She got up and came over hugging me.

"Im sorry babe,they are really good!" She said and I smiled.

"Mummy" I heard Alice say,I groaned lately shes been clingy to me alot. She almost never leaves me alone so Dannys moved to showing Lauren love and not me.

"Yes baby?" I said and looked over Laurens head,which was still on my shoulder.

"Can you sing me a song?"She said. It was like 9pm and she was ment to be asleep,like that ever happens.

"Okay I'll be there in a minute go get comfortable"I said still hugging Lauren.

"Your such a good mother"Lauren said muffled into my neck,kissing it.

"Laur stop, We can do it once we get to the hotel okay?" I said laughing at her attempts to seduce me. She groaned and pulled away.

"Fine give me a few minutes but you have to be quiet" I said and kissed her on the lips before walking to Alices bunk.

"Comfortable?" I said and she nodded.

"So close together"

"So far apart"

"Your turning me on"

"And my fires waiting for your spark"

"I struggle to contain"

"The love thats in my veins"

"And how it circulates"

Alice was sound asleep so I got up and closed her curtain. I walked back into the lounge were Lauren was, I smirked but realized something. I put my hand up which she gladly took and I walked to the rest area at the back then pushed her down,closing the door.

"Why arent we at the bunks?" Lauren asked whispering.

"Reasons" I said smirking.


"Laur wake the fuck up" I said slapping my wife gently from cheek to cheek. She grabbed my hand and looked at me,evilly. I moved slightly knowing what she was going to do.

"Nuh uhhh" I said. I got out her grip and moved out the bunk.

"You two had sex last night" Nathan said laughing,passing me. I walked infront of him and elbowed him right in the stomach,infront of everyone.

"Like I havent heard you and Mila before. So just shut it got it?" I said grabbing him and pulling him forward. He nodded because right now Im done with his shit.

"Pussy" I said and sat down beside Dinah.

"Y/N Simon wants you to record some vocals for te tracks by the way" Nathan said sitting on Camz' lap. I threw my head back but then remembered the hickeys. I put my head back down and everyone looked at me shocked.

"What?" I said,trying to play it off.

"Damn gurrl I didnt know our Laur could do that" Dinah said and I laughed.

"She can do more than that" I said and everyone said 'Ew'.I laughed at their reaction and right on time Lauren walked in.

"Morning" She said in her morning voice which is likely to turn anyone gay for her.

"Morning beautiful" I said and Lauren walked over,sitting on my lap and hugging me.

"Im recording today by the way" I said.

"For fuck sake again?" She said and I laughed at her.

"Love you baby" I said and she hummed,falling back asleep in my arms.

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