45. Butt Dialling (Older)

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Your P.O.V

"Hello everyone we are joined with Y/N, Danny,Jay and Damien from Y/B/N" The interviewer said and we nodded and waved.

"Now Y/N youve been in a few bands havent you?" He said and I nodded.

"So how was it being in those bands?" He asked and I thought about it.

"Er well the first one was new for me and we didnt really have that much responsibility cause we were young and our management looked after everything. The second one with just Nathan was hard, we had all the responsibility as we were becoming adults and this one is both put together, I take the most responsibility but the boys take care of some stuff too." I said and he nodded.

"We've got some questions for you guys" He said.

"Danny is it true you are dating someone?" The guy said and Danny nodded.

"I cant say her name though as I havent got her permission" Danny said.

"This ones for Jay" He said and Jay smiled.

"When did you learn to play drums?" He asked.

"Well Y/N taught me when I was younger then a while ago she gave me a few lessons and I guess I picked it up?" He said.

"Damien are Camila and Sophie alike as people say they are?" He asked Damien and he looked at me, laughing.

"Yes it is, Sometimes I wonder which ones my mother and which ones my sister" He said and I laughed.

"Y/N what do you think of some of the tweets and comments Lauren gets on photos?" He asked me and I laughed.

"I think they are really funny to be honest" I said and he chuckled.

"Thats all we have time for guys, thank you Y/B/N for coming to talk to me" He said.

"Anytime" Damien said to him. Once the camera switched off my phone started ringing and it was Lauren.

"Hey" I said then heard arguing.

"Camila take Alice to the car! Ill be there in a minute" I heard Lauren shout, panicky like.

"Lauren?" I asked and looked at the boys.

"SOPHIE CALL 911, DINAH LOOK AFTER THE KIDS WE NEED TO GET ALICE TO HOSPITAL!" Lauren screamed and I started panicking.

"LAUREN?" I shouted but I still got no answer. Then a thought crossed my mind..she butt dialed me. But what the fuck has happened to Alice? I hung up and called her again and this time she actually answered.

"Hey babe" She said calmly.

"Why the fuck are you taking Alice to hospital?" I asked, worrying and she sighed.

"Ermm well she fainted" She said and I sighed in relief.

"Okay good I thought something bad had happened" I said.

"Y/N!" Lauren shouted.

"What?" I asked her.

"This is bad, your daughter fainted" She said and I laughed.

"Its really hot baby shell be dehydrated or too hot!" I said and she kept quiet for a minute obviously thinking.

"Whatever just call me once your stupid interviews are over and if your daughters not okay.."She said before hanging up. Okay then Lauren.

"Mum?" Danny said looking worried.

"Alice fainted but Im 100% its of the heat" I said and he looked at me scared then relived.


"TOLD YOU IT WAS THE HEAT!" I shouted and Lauren put her middle finger up. I was right, it was the heat and nothing else but Lauren is so fucking stubborn she now doesnt want to talk to me.

"LOVE YOU" I shouted and smirked.

"LOVE YOU TOO" She shouted back and I laughed, I knew she reply because if she didnt I wouldnt talk to her for days.

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